The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 218 Restoring Memory

Han Shuang was walking in the empty villa. He wanted to try it. He could walk the entire distance of the villa by himself without anyone's support. Suddenly the sole of his foot slipped, and he could not stand firmly on the road under his feet. He did a somersault, and fell directly from the back of Han Shuang's head.

With a help, Han Shuang fell down. At this moment, Han Shuang's mind went blank, but he remembered all the little things in the past, about Lin Hao, about himself and Luck's mother, She remembered it all.

Lin Hao was not at home at this time. There was only the nanny and her nanny who quickly helped up Han Shuang who fell.

"What happened? Why did you fall down when you were fine? How are you doing?"

Han Shuang returned quickly. "Auntie, I'm fine, but Han Shuang didn't tell me all his memories. Auntie is the nanny."

Now Han Shuang knows everything, and knows that Luck has some evil thoughts towards him, and knows that Lin Hao likes him very much. The two of them really love each other, and only a layer of window paper can break through. matter.

Han Shuang was very brave. At this time, Han Shuang felt that no man had ever been so kind to him. Apart from his father, Lin Hao was the best man to him. He wanted to entrust his life to Lin Hao.

When Luck saw Ah Fu in a daze, he fell into Ah Fu's arms and said, "Why did you come here? I miss you so much, Brother Lin Hao."

Once again, he thought Ah Fu was Lin Hao. When a person is the most carefree and carefree, the person he thinks of is the person he most wants to see or the person he wants most in his life. He thinks the man in front of him is brother Lin Hao. He focused all his life's hopes on this man. Ah Fu in front of him could only touch Luck's head. Helped him drive home and said nothing.

At this time, Luck already had some dependence on drugs. This drug dependence was still relatively strong. This was just the beginning of Luck's drug addiction. Luck himself didn't know it. He thought he had taken all the drugs away. Vomited it all out and nothing happened.

Ah Fu was still immersed in Luck's arms, feeling that the world belonged to him, because Ah Fu's whole heart was with Luck at this moment, but Luck was different.

Ah Fu quickly drove the car downstairs to Luck's house and woke Luck up from his sleep, "Luck, wake up and you're home. Go back to sleep, baby."

Breathing loudly, Luck opened his eyes in his sleep, looked at the man opposite 523, and said, "Where am I? You, alas, isn't my brother Lin Hao? Why are you?" Come to me?"

Ah Fu said, "Silly girl, call me. Don't you know who you are calling? What's wrong with you? You were asleep when I saw you, looking dazed. Have you been drinking?"

Luck quickly replied, "Oh, I'm fine. I just didn't get a good rest last night."

I was flustered, smoothed my hair, said nothing, and got out of the car in a hurry. .

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