The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 248 The Embarrassment Of Capitalization

He felt a feeling in Lin Hao that he had never felt before.

It felt like a particularly warm embrace, and like a spring breeze.

This feeling was never felt by that group of men or by the elders of my own family.

It was precisely because of this that he was deeply attracted by Lin Hao. After all, for him, this man was the first to make him feel this way.

In addition, Lin Hao did not reveal any intentions towards him like the previous men.

It also made his favorable impression of Lin Hao increase by 640 points, plus he is indeed not young anymore.

She has reached the age where she can get married. Although the elders in the family say that they have not forced themselves to marry any disciple of that family.

But everyone is also a little anxious and wants to rush their marriage.

I heard that he has been arranging a blind date for himself recently, otherwise he would not come over to meet Lin Hao.

But when he thought of those ugly men, he felt sick for a while.

So instead of taking advantage of those stinky men when the time comes, it would be better to spend the rest of your life with the man in front of you who you like.

As for Lin Hao's background, it's not something he cares about. After all, in his opinion, his family is strong enough.

Even if Lin Hao's family is not very wealthy, he still believes that relying on the strength of his family can help him.

But he didn't expect that Lin Hao's strength was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Of course, this is also because Lin Hao keeps a low profile and does not want to be too public, thus causing some unnecessary trouble.

The more powerful a person is, the more he likes to keep a low profile and does not like to show his face outside.

Because if you are too ostentatious, there will always be some unnecessary troubles in the future, and there is no problem with this sentence.

If you want to reach the peak on the road of life (bebg), you must learn to hide your strength and bide your time.

This is an essential skill for successful people, and it is obvious that Lin Hao already possesses this skill.

Lin Hao also wanted to find an opportunity to resolve the matter between himself and Li Xue first.

But for a while, I didn't know how to contact Lin Xue. After all, it was his mother who communicated with Lin Xue before this.

Every time I met Lin Xue today, it was arranged by my mother.

Although Lin Xue also gave Lin Hao her contact information at the beginning, Lin Hao did not take this matter to heart at that time.

If Lin Xue knew that she finally gave her contact information to a man and was so disliked by this man, she would definitely become furious.

This is also because Lin Hao is not very interested in these things between men and women. In his eyes, except Han Shuang, he can no longer let go of other women.

It seems that today I still have to rely on my mother to complete today's things.

But he can't tell his mother about this, otherwise he will definitely stop himself when the time comes.

So until this matter is resolved perfectly, don't tell his mother.

Otherwise, it will only make things worse and worse, and not only will it fail to achieve its goal. .

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