The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 275 Express Attitude

Yesterday, they had to face the pressure from Lin Hao's mother, because if the two of them want to go on for a long time, they must get the support of Lin Hao's mother.

But judging from Lin Hao's mother's attitude, I'm afraid this is also a very difficult task.

But now Lin Hao has made his attitude clear, because of what he did today.

Although he did not tell his mother directly, presumably his mother would also learn about it from other channels.

At that time, it would be equivalent to 14 indirectly expressing his attitude, and after his actions.

Counterfeit coins will also spread in this circle, and then even other people want to introduce their daughters to him.

You must also consider your own attitude, otherwise you will only be humiliating yourself.

In this case, even if his mother wants to introduce other girls to him who, in his eyes, are a good match for him.

No one would introduce his daughter to him, so saying this would actually achieve Lin Hao's purpose.

Although the effect of doing this is very obvious, the disadvantages of doing so are also very obvious.

If I do this, I will undoubtedly directly declare war on his mother. I am afraid that his life will be even more difficult in the future.

When the time comes, Lin Hao and his mother will definitely put all the blame on Han Shuang, thinking that he was the one who instigated her son.

Otherwise, in his eyes, his son is so filial, and he will obey no matter what he says.

I have never disobeyed my orders since I was a child, but today I did do this, slap him in the face.

From the perspective of Lin Hao's mother, her son has completely changed since this Han Shuang appeared.

It was completely different from the person he knew before, so in his opinion.

All this is Han Shuang's fault. If it weren't for Han Shuang, his son would not be what he is today.

His son is now very likely to have won a Bai Fumei who is of the same status and status as him.

By then, it will be of great help to Lin Hao no matter from which aspect.

Instead of being like this now, Lin Hao was constantly being held back by Han Shuang, which was unable to bring any help to Lin Hao.

Of course, all this is just wishful thinking of Lin Hao's mother.

In Lin Hao's eyes, no matter whether Han Shuang can help him or not, or how much help he can bring to him.

He wouldn't mind, because what he likes is not the benefits that Han Shuang has brought to him, but Han Shuang's 870.

As long as Han Shuang can stay with him, he will feel as if his whole body is full of strength.

As long as Han Shuang can stay with him, it seems that he will never have any troubles.

So no matter how many times you ask him to make the choice, he will choose to be with Han Shuang without hesitation.

So this is exactly why he rebelled against his mother's decision, because in his opinion.

Recently, he is not looking for a partner for himself, but is looking for a profitable tool for himself.

And I don't like that kind of rich girls at all, because of their personality and all aspects. .

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