The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 284 A Firm Attitude.

But Han Shuang is my bottom line. If you attack him, don't blame me for not caring about the relationship between mother and son.

After saying these words, Lin Hao didn't stop at all, and turned around and returned to his bedroom.

Lin Hao's mood is now a little out of control, and he doesn't dare to stay here any longer.

He was afraid that if he got into an argument with his mother, he would do something outrageous if he lost control of his emotions.

That will only make things worse, so this should be avoided.

After Lin Hao left, Lin Hao's mother was left sitting alone in the study.

He had not yet realized that Lin Hao, who he thought was a good boy, could say such a thing today.

But when he reacted, he was very angry inside. How can I put it, he is actually a person with a very strong desire to control.

If you want to have everything under your control, others must act according to your own ideas.

But Lin Hao was acting openly and openly against his own will, which also made him feel a little unhappy.

He also heard clearly what Lin Hao wanted to express, that is, he would be with Han Shuang no matter what.

No matter what measures he takes to force him, he will not change his decision.

No matter how beautiful a girl she introduces to Lin Hao in the future, or how prominent her family background is.

He won't have any temptation, let alone any delusion that he will choose one of the girls.

And the most important thing should be the last sentence he just said, that is, Han Shuang is his bottom line.

No matter how you deal with him or make any arrangements for him, he can accept it.

Even if he doesn't face it then, he won't take it to heart, let alone hold a grudge.

At that time, he won't be able to bear it no matter what, and he will definitely make some resistance.

Although he is a person with a strong desire for applause, his son is his world now.

If you want your son to hate you, it will be tantamount to your own failure...

So he hesitated for a long time and gave up the idea, since he couldn't take any action against Han Shuang.

Then when the time comes, I can also offer him enough conditions to let him leave Lin Hao voluntarily.

In this case, we can achieve what Lin Hao just said and no action will be taken against him.

Han Shuang's safety cannot be guaranteed, but the problem can be solved in a more tactful way.

In his opinion, there is nothing in this world that money cannot solve. If there is, it means that the price you offer is not attractive enough.

As long as the benefits paid are large enough, there is no problem that cannot be solved. It has to be said that there are so many people struggling in shopping malls.

1.6 also subtly changed some of his thoughts, although money can solve many things.

But some things cannot be solved with money, especially in terms of relationships.

But if he takes any action against Han Shuang, he will touch his bottom line.

However, this matter is also somewhat difficult. Lin Hao did not reveal his identity at first.

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