Because sometimes it is very simple to say something angry, and you can say it without hesitation.

But when you really calm down and think about this matter slowly, you will find that it is very precious.

If you really leave the other person, you may feel very relaxed at that time.

I'm glad I finally left that annoying person who didn't know any sense of humor. Now I finally have no one to take care of me anymore.

But this kind of relaxation, you actually find that it is not really relaxed, and you can't realize how long it lasts.

You will find that instead of experiencing this kind of relaxation, it is better to experience the previous one, when two people are together.

Only then will you discover the other person. Although it may sometimes cause you some troubles, it is all based on loving you.

No matter how he restrains you, it is because he loves you and because he wants to go on a longer-term relationship with you.

Rather than just a source of dew, or a short-lived love, you will miss the time you spent together before.

In fact, sometimes many things require you to calm down and think slowly.

Because once you calm down and think slowly, you will find that many things are not as simple as you think.

In other words, I was very happy when I made the decision and didn't find it difficult at all.

But when you make a decision and then implement it, or bear the consequences of the decision you made.

You will suddenly find that you regret it, and this is not the result you want.

Of course, when a person calms down, he will inevitably have some random thoughts, and he will always think of more things than usual.

During this special period of time, both parties should be given a certain amount of freedom, rather than excessive constraints.

Maybe your starting point is good, but sometimes, your concern must be at the appropriate scale and within the appropriate time.

Once used in the wrong place or at the wrong time, good intentions will only lead to bad things.

It will only have the opposite effect than you expected. This is a test between two people.

We cannot rely solely on the efforts of one of them, both of us must face this difficulty together.

...Please give me flowers...

Only in this way can you think back to today many years later without leaving any regrets.

No matter what the final result is, at least you have tried your best, no matter whether this is the love you want.

But at least you have experienced so much together, and it is worth your efforts.

And many times what you think is inappropriate is just what you think is inappropriate.

If you don't experience many things personally, no one can tell what the final result will be.

Although you think this is inappropriate, who dares to jump to conclusions before reaching the final step?

And how can there be so much luck in the world? You will always meet the person you think is suitable.

God's favor is limited after all, and your own happiness is only in your own hands.

So at any time, all you can rely on is yourself.

You cannot place all your hopes on others for a long time. .

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