The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 300 Life Is Impermanent

It has deviated very far, and can even be said to have gone in the opposite direction.

But many times, when considering things, we can't just think about it from this aspect, but more importantly, we have to look at it from another angle.

Maybe you have lived a mediocre life, without any wonderful performances in this life, let alone achieving your original wonderful life goals.

But equally, you won't be left with any regrets that you can't let go of.

It won't let you think about it many years later, leaving only endless trouble and regret.

And life is like this, it's more 540 dull, and the little surprises you imagine only happen occasionally.

If you can spend this life in an ordinary way, it can be enough to prove that you have not wasted it.

Because life is like this, plainness is actually a kind of happiness, but sometimes it is because of your ambition.

So you don't think this is a kind of happiness, but after you experience the strong winds and waves outside and the rich life.

Only then will you discover that what you really need is such an ordinary life.

Just like people who have been wandering outside for a long time, they always want to find a destination and don't want to continue wandering anymore.

I want to find a stable place to settle down, instead of continuing to wander in such strong winds and waves.

People's experiences are limited. The more they experience, the less they will gradually become.

So when you really get to that point, you will realize, alas, how rare this kind of ordinary life is.

So maybe if you live this life plainly, you will feel so unsatisfied.

But in fact, you have also mastered the most precious wealth in the world, because you have lived a life that many rich people long for.

Never go and envy the kind of life lived by those who look glamorous on the outside.

Because you only see (befj) their appearance, and do not see the bitterness and suffering behind them.

The more glamorous they look, the greater the price they pay behind the scenes.

And this price is not something everyone can afford, which is why not everyone can succeed.

God is always fair. When he gives you something, he will also give you something.

When you think you are successful, unfortunately, you are about to lose something valuable.

Maybe sometimes you don't care so much, it's just that you haven't discovered what you think is the most important thing in your heart.

When you understand it, and when you want to cherish it again, you find that you have already lost it.

It's just like something that is normal, at least in your opinion.

Because of this, you have never thought about how to cherish it, you just regard it as a habit.

But when you really lose him, you will find that you are not used to it at all.

Because it's too easy to get, and it's just a common thing for you, so you don't have the feeling of paying attention to it.

It is precisely because of your attitude that he will leave you in the end.

In fact, the most important things in your heart are often the things that are easiest for you to get. .

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