The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 305 Excessive Interference

So no matter when, don't interfere too much in other people's affairs, because you don't understand many things at all.

The true/false questions you make only rely on your own understanding and have nothing to do with other people's experiences.

Often, the more circumstances you are in, the easier it is for misunderstandings to occur, and it is also easier for your good intentions to turn into ill intentions.

Why bother to make others feel disgusted with you for those illusory things?

Don't jump to conclusions when you don't fully understand the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Even if you truly understand the ins and outs of the whole thing, you are not the one who has experienced it personally.

So you won't understand the bitterness, and everyone has their own reasons for making every choice.

Everyone's situation is different, not to mention that people's personalities are also different.

The solutions to the same problem may be different, so this is the reason for the gap between people.

So no matter when, don't force your way of doing things on others, and let others handle things according to your way of doing things.

And many times this is a matter of two people. It is absolutely impossible to rely on one person to work hard to maintain it.

You might say that he is used to paying so much, or that he is used to being nice to you.

But have you ever thought about why he is like this, why he is willing to be good to you, and why he is willing to pay for you.

If you are not a very important person to him, why should he ask for trouble like this?

It is precisely because you are a very important person to him that he will accommodate you even if he suffers some grievances.

In his eyes, nothing is more important than you, so even if he suffers some injustice, he will choose to accept it silently.

For him, his most precious thing is you. Apart from you, he can give anything and bear the loss of anything.

And all he did was just fear that one day he would suddenly lose you.

Maybe it's because he can't bear it yet (befj), the kind of life without you all of a sudden.

Because when the time comes to talk about love, it will not only mean it itself, but also include other meanings.

But you have to understand that many times you only feel this way for a period of time, if you really make this decision during this special period of time.

Maybe it's the same as what you are thinking now. After more experience, you won't realize how rare this one is.

It's true that I don't know why I have such naive ideas, and I still persist in it stupidly.

Because after you leave the other person, if you want to find someone who takes you as seriously as the other person, although it cannot be said that it is impossible, it can only be said that the probability is very small.

This is the world of adults, which is why adults are more troubled than children.

But what you have to understand is that these things will not just be taken over.

Only then will you realize how serious the mistake you made was.

If you want to have this kind of pure and pure love, it will probably be very difficult. It can be said that it almost no longer exists.

If you want to experience a life full of ups and downs, it means you have to leave your current stability.

Then when you look back, you find that the original place has already become empty.

So sometimes, I will do some excessive things, and I rarely care about the other person's feelings.

Then after you have gone through that ups and downs, think about coming back to find this stability. It is very likely that this stability has already matured and will not be waiting for you in the same place.

Although you can't see any problems in a short period of time, the other party will not make any extraordinary moves because of this.

She won't be as stupid as before. She only knows how to treat the other party blindly, and when the other party wants to leave, she will just try hard to keep him.

But if you really want to experience that kind of pain and then come back to cherish it, the final outcome may be a chicken-and-egg affair.

Once you mature, when you think about things, you won't be like now, preferring to bear this kind of harm yourself.

He also doesn’t want to lose you like this, maybe he thinks you are the only one for him.

But once he matures, this seemingly ridiculous idea will rarely appear in his mind.

But many times, this kind of retention will become a reason for you to be unscrupulous.

Or maybe you feel a little bored now and want to leave the other person and look for a more exciting life.

Because as age continues to grow and time goes by, people begin to slowly mature.

And you don’t want to go through that kind of ups and downs again, you just want to find stability, but when you reach that point, it is so difficult to find stability. .

He is like the grains of sand that will slowly accumulate and eventually turn into a desert.

Although I can't guarantee that everyone will regret it, most people will definitely regret it when they think about it in the future.

When I mature and think back to those thoughts I had when I was young, I will find myself very funny.

He is no longer that ignorant boy and has his own unique views on love.

So even if he himself suffers some grievances, he still wants to try his best to keep you by his side.

Maybe in your opinion, the other person is willing to give, no matter how you treat him.

In other words, never overestimate your ability to bear it. Maybe in your opinion, losing the other person is not a big deal.

Even if boys are born to mature later than girls, they will still have some maturity at this stage.

Never think how powerful you are.

And pure love like that only exists before maturity. Once a person matures, there will be many things to consider.

In your opinion, no matter what you do, the other person will never leave you. You have also developed this characteristic of the other person.

Maybe your life has been too smooth and you haven't experienced any harm, so you don't know how to cherish it.

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