The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 312 Conservation Of Energy

You also need to consider the other person's feelings, and more importantly, you need to ask the other person what they think.

"You can't just rely on yourself to make such a decision based on your feelings or feelings at the time.!"

Making a decision is very simple, it only takes one thought, but you have made the decision.

If you want to bear the consequences when the time comes, it will not be that simple.

It only takes one sentence to make a decision, but the consequences are far more than just one sentence.

You have to believe that energy is conserved in this world. Sometimes you have made a decision now, but you may not have seen your retribution.

"But please don't doubt that sooner or later these complaints will come true for you, but the most suitable time has not yet arrived."

If no matter what you do, you only know how to consider your own interests, then it will be a pity that the people you meet will be the same as you and will only consider yourself.

Don't imagine that all the advantages in the world will be taken by yourself.

How can there be such a good thing in the world? Even if there is, how can it be your turn?

"Never think that pie will fall from the sky. Everything has to be paid for and the team will be rewarded."

Don't always think about paying the least and getting the most. That is always impossible.

Even if there is, it is just a trap that others have fallen into, just to deceive people like you.

Never treat others as fools and only be smart yourself. In that case, sooner or later, you will always be the one who fails.

Even if you do something, you can't always do it according to your own ideas. You also need to take into account the feelings of others.

Maybe you think that after you resolve this matter, nothing else will happen.

"But often the point of an incident is not whether you have solved the matter.

Maybe you feel that you handled this matter very well, and it was already settled without him knowing. "

But if you don't tell him about it when the time comes, let him know it by himself.

The seriousness of this matter is far more serious than what it caused when you told him about it.

Because if you tell him the matter, he will be angry at most, but in the end he will definitely solve the matter with you.

But if you do, by the time he discovers this matter by himself, you will have already solved the matter.

"But the consequences in other aspects are far beyond your imagination."

It will make the other person think that you are deliberately deceiving him, and the trust between the two people will collapse.

Even if you have the intention to make up for such a mistake at that time, it is not very possible.

Because it's like a thorn in your heart, and you can't pull it out even if you want to.

"If you don't pull it out, it will hurt your heart again, so this method is tantamount to the stupidest. w

Maybe you feel that you have already solved this matter, and the reason why you don't tell him is to avoid making him angry.

But the point of this matter is not whether he will be angry. .

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