The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 321 People’S Hearts Are Unpredictable

All I can say is that no matter what happens, don’t test people’s hearts. Things like people’s hearts are the least able to withstand temptation.

Maybe you think that things should develop in this direction, but in fact, many times, that is just your wishful thinking.

"No matter what happens, you should not do things easily and rely on your own will."

In this case, what awaits you in the end will definitely be endless disappointment and a heart-breaking pain.

In fact, many times, many things have already been doomed, or you have already noticed it.

But you are just deceiving yourself and telling yourself that this matter is just your own guess.

"Perhaps you think that as long as you work harder, there is still a chance to save this matter."

Although you appear to be in a particularly sad and desperate state on the surface, in fact, you still have a sense of luck in your heart.

You still hold on to that tiny glimmer of hope and keep numbing yourself there, telling yourself that you have to continue to persevere.

"But these are just the results of your self-deception. Since many things have happened to him, no matter how you try to undo it, the impact it caused will remain here.

And whether you admit it or not, this matter is right in front of you. Even if you try your best to escape, you will still face him here.

That's a step forward, a bumpy road that you couldn't avoid in the past. You can only face it bravely.

Maybe your estimate of yourself is too exaggerated, thinking that you can solve these things.

“However, he did not accomplish many things overnight, and he had already made plans for many things before he changed them.

Many things are already there at the beginning of the change, but you haven't noticed it yet, or maybe you have noticed it, but you don't want to admit it.

So even when this thing really happens, you have to face it.

How to put it, it doesn't mean that this thing happened beyond your expectation, it just means that you are not mentally prepared to bear it.

"Or in your heart, you actually don't want to believe this thing, and you don't want to face it."

But once this happens, no matter what you say or do, you will be indifferent.

Even if I buy this thing back after seeing your efforts, what will happen?

"Since he has changed many things, it proves that he has been changed."

No matter how hard you try to save it, he can no longer return to the original beauty.

Just like a broken mirror is difficult to reunite, even in the Central Plains, there is still a gap there.

That is a scar that cannot be ignored. It has always been there, reminding you of this sad past all the time.

"And if things have developed to that point, there is no need for you to stay, or even if you try to stay, there will be no results."

The human heart is also the hardest thing to figure out. You don't know when it has been changed. .

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