In fact, many times things happen suddenly like this, but they are already planned by fate.

You just came into contact with this matter because you just came into contact with it, so you are still a little unbearable, so you have such thoughts.

When you really calm down and think about this matter, you will find that it is not as painful as you imagined.

"Time is really a very magical thing, and nothing can match the power of time.

It can be said that in the face of time, everything will be eclipsed and lose their original color.

Time is also a very good healing medicine. With the healing of time, all the pain you have endured will eventually be healed.

"Although that kind of scar cannot be erased, it will always exist in your heart."

But how should I put it? Isn’t this the kind of growth that everyone must experience?

If a person wants to continue to grow, he must escape from intelligence and slowly move towards maturity.

"Simply relying on lip service cannot achieve such an effect, or in other words, it cannot achieve such a goal" || w

I can only continue to experience some things and feel the days that are different from the comfortable life before.

The more you experience, the more your horizons will be broadened, so that when you face something again, you won't be as at a loss as you are now.

"In this way, for many things, in fact, you have already become resistant in your heart."

When faced with any kind of setbacks and difficulties, all you can do is no longer just blame others.

It's not just that you can lament your fate here, or that you can be depressed here alone.

By then you will figure out how to solve these problems, or how to overcome these difficulties.

"Because when you truly mature, your perspective on problems will be different from when you were young."

When you are young, when you think about things, you only see these things in front of you.

That's why you are like this, desperately trying to save it and return to the beauty you had before.

"In other words, the innocence in your heart will no longer be shown as easily as you did before."

It's not that he will disappear because of this, but he will be placed deepest in your heart.

I won't let him do this again and show it easily. Only in this way can a person truly mature.

Because many times, the real difficulties and setbacks you have to experience are also because of your innocence and naivety.

".~After you truly mature, when you think about things, it won't be as simple as it is now. What you think about is the longer term.

That kind of change cannot be described accurately (money-wise) simply by relying on words.

But that kind of change does indeed exist, which is why everyone likes different types.

"More changes are reflected in the temperament, which gives people a different feeling."

Just like a relatively mature person, he gives the impression that he is stable and can be entrusted with big things.

But for those who are more naive, it feels soft. .

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