The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 326 Just Deceiving Yourself And Others

You will find that those thoughts that you deceived yourself before are in front of this overbearing power.

How ridiculous and weak it seems, and how to really face him face to face.

"The deep feeling of powerlessness that he felt when he was watching comes to your heart. That's when it really breaks people down."

Because, how can I put it, if you don’t really experience some things, you will never understand the feelings involved.

"There are many things that you have to experience personally to understand the feeling."

Just like when you encounter something annoying, no matter how others persuade you.

For you, it actually doesn't have much effect because of the principles they persuade you.

"You know it very well in your heart, but how do you say it, if this thing happens to someone else."

If you use the same reasoning to persuade others, it will definitely be catchy, but now this matter.

It happened to me, so even though I understand those principles, there is still a certain gap if I really apply them to myself.

"As the saying goes, standing and talking does not hurt your back, when things have not happened to you."

You can say it any way, I feel very relaxed, but when things really happen to me.

If I face it again, I will find it very difficult, far beyond my imagination.

"Really, if you don't experience it yourself, you will never understand it. You can only stay forever and talk about it verbally."

When this happens, there is actually very little you can do.

"It can be said that besides passively and silently accepting it, you have no other choice for your reference.

In fact, it doesn't mean that you can't accept some things, it's just that what happened is not for you.

"Some of them are too sudden and don't leave you enough time to reflect, so they give you an illusion."

What happened is simply unacceptable to you...

So when it actually happens, your first reaction is not that you want to face it. y

Instead, I was thinking about how to recover, or rather, how to escape from facing this matter.

"But you have also overlooked one thing, even if you want to escape."

He can only escape for a while, but he cannot escape forever. In the end, you will definitely have to face this ending.

"And when it develops to that point, the result may be worse than you imagined.

If we face it again then, it may be much more painful than it is now.

"Actually, if I really give you 5.8 for a while, and you calm down and think about this matter, you will find that it is not as difficult to accept as you imagined."

And many things are really like that, time can smooth everything out as time goes by.

"All the trauma caused to you will slowly fade away. Although there will still be some traces left in the end, it will never be as unforgettable as it is now."

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