The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 341 A Different Scenery

"So never lose confidence in life, you may suffer temporary amnesia."

But it does not mean that your journey will not be smooth. You may experience heavy rain for a while.

"But this heavy rain will not stop forever. If it keeps raining, there will eventually be a sunny day after the rain."

And what you are looking forward to is waiting for the rain to clear up after the heavy rain, and then you will see it again~.

It will no longer be a dark cloudy sky or a violent storm. When the time comes, you will see the most beautiful rainbow.

"You will also breathe the freshest air, see the freshest scenery, and you will sigh that life is so wonderful.

You will also feel another kind of beauty in life, so in fact, sometimes, if you go when you are not going your way.

Going out to see the scenery is also a very good choice because the scenery is different.

"It can also bring different feelings to people. Why do people always want to go out for a walk when they are not going well.

Because when you get used to seeing some scenery, if you suddenly face another scenery, you will also find it.

"The artistic conception brought about by it is also unique, and you can also realize some things that you have not realized before.

To a certain extent, it can also relieve your irritability and uneasiness in your heart.

But the most important thing is that you still need to be able to pass the threshold in your heart.

"Only after you have figured out many things can you truly solve them. Otherwise, no matter how much you are deceiving yourself."

In the end, there is no real solution to it, because you can perfectly deceive others.

But you can't deceive your own heart, you can deceive yourself and others. But you can never deceive yourself.

"So many times, only by truly thinking about these things from your own heart can you truly solve them."

Otherwise, no matter how calm you appear on the surface, or how indifferent you are on the surface.

"But you can't deceive yourself. In fact, you still care about this matter very much in your heart."

In other words, you care about that person, when this person appears in front of you, or when this thing happens.

…Please give me flowers…

When it happens, you will still be as confused as you are now, and it may even turn into an accident.

"After the test of time, when you look back and think of this incident, you will realize how naive you were at the beginning.

In many things, you can also see through the surface and see his essence. Only then can you understand how you feel about him.

In fact, if at the end of the day, you still think that your feelings for him come from the bottom of your heart.

"Then maybe, it's really what you think, but even if that's the case, so what."

The result cannot be changed, and his decision will not be changed just because of what you have paid and what kind of feelings you have.

"Or it could be said that it changes his inner thoughts, but in fact it is more about after experiencing time."

When you look back at this incident, you will find that you actually overestimated yourself and your feelings for him. .

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