Speaking of the acquaintance between Lin Hao and Han Ya, it was also because Lin Hao experienced some huge blows at the beginning.

"Then also, I feel a little disheartened about these things in my family, or in other words, about the whole world."

He felt that the whole world had betrayed him, abandoned his destiny, and was so unfair to him.

That's why he chose to run away from home without saying a word, so that the entire family has been looking for traces of him for many years.

"Although according to Lin Hao's power, there are not many in this world who can threaten his existence."

But after all, the responsibility and burden of the entire family are also placed on him. How should the entire family develop and continue in the future?

He is also required to make judgments and decisions, and only he can bear this responsibility.

Others are unable to make decisions for him, or to assume some responsibilities.

"Because they 14 don't have this qualification. Only he, as the heir of the entire family, has this qualification."

So when he ran away from home, the whole family was in a hurry, and some work was carried out in an orderly manner.

Various mistakes also appeared at this moment, so that period of time was also a relatively dark period for the entire family.

"Many businesses and many development plans have encountered various obstacles, and those competitors are also seizing this opportunity."

The massive attack on them brought them a lot of losses, although Lin Hao's family.

In this world, it can be considered a relatively powerful family. Logically speaking, this kind of family.

"It is also the kind of existence that can never be touched in the eyes of ordinary people, but when you really reach a certain level."

You will find that in fact, everything seems a bit fragile in the face of absolute interests.

This is especially true for Lin Hao and his family at this level.

"It really interprets the word profit to the extreme, and in a battle of this level, one must be cautious and careful."

Because if something goes wrong, the price paid will be beyond ordinary people's imagination.

So although Lin Hao's family is also very large, it is the same world.

It's not just his huge family, there are also many other huge families.

"And during the development process and stages of the entire family, it is inevitable that there will definitely be conflicts with other families."

So this also leads to the fact that although their family has some very powerful allies, they also have powerful enemies.

And those powerful enemies also took advantage of this period of chaos in their family. Then catch their vulnerabilities.

"They can also tell by launching a massive attack on them. This opportunity is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

After all, the more top-notch big families like them pay more attention to themselves, every word and action.

Because when they are at this point, any mistake they make may be fatal, especially if it may not seem like a serious problem on the surface.

"But once you reach their level, even a small problem can turn into a fatal crisis."

Therefore, although they look extremely glamorous on the surface, there is also an unparalleled danger behind this glamorous surface.

If they are not careful, they will be shattered into pieces, so they must be cautious and let themselves do things.

"If anything goes wrong, it will be a trivial matter to destroy yourself at that time, if it drags down the entire family.

Then he himself is the eternal sinner of the entire family, so they would rather lose some opportunities sometimes.

"I won't risk the whole family by myself. But of course, these are absolute."

Especially after they saw that Lin Hao's family had fallen into chaos because of Lin Hao's disappearance. If they didn't seize this precious opportunity, they wouldn't know when the next time would be.

Weighing the pros and cons is also to discover that the benefits contained therein are far greater than the risks they bear.

That's why they dared to take this opportunity to attack Lin Hao and his family.

"In fact, Lin Hao's ability is also very powerful. He can lead the entire family in a short period of time."

It has reached the point where it is today, so at their level, they are also wary of the character Lin Hao.

If it weren't for an emergency, no one would be willing to face such a powerful opponent.

"And we also need to be aware that in other families, the people in control are middle-aged or even old."

Lin Hao is so young, and maybe because of this, he has greater enthusiasm for fighting.

Only then can he lead the whole family to where it is today, but the same Lin Hao does on weekdays.

It is inevitable that some other forces will be offended, after all, no matter how mature and steady young people behave.

"But it is inevitable for 607 to have some pride, and that's what Lin Hao is like."

He is also very proud of these great achievements he has made, after all, looking at this world.

There are really very few people who can achieve this level at his age, and it may be precisely because of this pride.

"This made him make wrong judgments and choices, which led to him running away from home in frustration."

So in the eyes of other families, this is really a very good opportunity, because of the rise of Lin Hao.

They are also wary. In their eyes, the entire family under their leadership is compared with the family led by Lin Hao.

"We are already at a disadvantage, and our next generation does not have talents as outstanding as Lin Hao."

Therefore, it is inevitable for them to worry about the future of their family and what it will become.

We still have their support now, so the family's situation is still relatively good, but if we lose their support.

Where should the family go if it only relies on the few playboys in the family?

Then there is really no hope, not to mention that there is a talented person like Lin Hao watching from the sidelines. .

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