The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 384 The Weak And The Strong

Only by making the entire family more prosperous will the resources that each of them can enjoy become more abundant.

The status they can obtain is also more noble, so this is the fate of each of them.

"In fact, we are all connected with the entire family. No one can survive alone without the entire family."

Especially in this society where the law of the jungle is taken to the extreme, if they are separated from the entire family.

If a person survives alone, then of course there is no big problem if he survives.

“But if you want to live a comfortable life like today, it will still be quite difficult.

So in the face of a large enough threat, personal strength still seems very insignificant, of course.

If a person's strength is reached to the extreme, the impact it can bring is also very huge.

"It can even affect the future destiny of the entire family, but for most of these people.

They will not be able to reach such a height in this life, so if they want to enjoy a more comfortable life.

We must rely closely on the family, this big tree, for the prosperity of the family and the family.

Then they can enjoy a better life, if they break away from the entire family.

"Then their future lives can already be imagined, so although they are said to be some."

They also want to control the entire family, but what they value is also the generous resources that the family can bring to them.

Especially after taking control of the entire family, the resources that can be enjoyed are even more abundant.

No one said that they wanted to bring down the entire family. This would do them no good at all.

Just imagine that their family must have gone through countless hardships to develop to this point.

"There must have been many powerful enemies among them. Just like the predicament they are in now, they face the same number of enemies."

If the strength of the entire family declines, the entire family will definitely be divided up by those former enemies.

In this case, they will become prisoners of other families when the time comes, and they will not even have a chance to survive.

Whether it can be preserved is still unknown, let alone thinking about those more abundant resources.

And no one wants to be someone else's prisoner. When you become a prisoner, you know that it means that the backer behind you has collapsed.

".~ Even if you can escape death by luck, what's the use? Everything you can rely on has been lost."

In this world where the jungle is strong and the strong eat the weak, you will also become unable to move forward, and you will become a street rat that everyone shouts and beats.

“No matter where they go, they have to hide here and there and cannot live as they please.

This is also a very painful torture, so if there is nothing wrong with their heads, they will not lose their comfortable life now.

Then it leads to a very miserable end, of course, for the traitors planted by other families. .

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