Just like the crane that stands out from the flock of chickens, the crane that is out of tune with the flock of chickens can be noticed by others at a glance.

But at the same time, he will definitely be treated unfairly by a group of people who will definitely try their best to exclude him.

"So sometimes, the better a person is, the easier it is for others to target him."

Because the jealousy in their hearts will make them lose their most rational judgment, and they will also feel unbalanced.

"Why is he better than me when we are all human beings? Under the influence of the dark 197 thoughts in our hearts."

It will also allow them to unite to target someone who is better than themselves, and also to make him become like themselves. They must make him become like themselves.

"You can't be better than yourself. As the saying goes, anything good in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. People who are too good will often experience more hardships."

But these same hardships are also a test for him, if he can successfully survive these tests.

So what awaits them in the end is definitely a very bright future. And Lin Hao is exactly like this, precisely because of his excellence.

"This will arouse the jealousy in other people's hearts. Moreover, the glory he can enjoy today is something that others can only hope to achieve."

That's why they wanted to find ways to pull Lin Jie down from this position.

It's because of the existence of jealousy in their hearts, and Lin Hao understands this very well.

"That's why he didn't act rashly, because he knew that now he must be a thorn in everyone's side."

He must be waiting for himself to make a mistake, if he ever makes any mistake, even if it is just a small mistake.

They will definitely take it out and amplify it, saying that it will be for sure when the time comes, and they will use it as an excuse to attack themselves.

So (bedg) Lin Hao's current situation is also very embarrassing, and he must be cautious at this time.

"There can't be any mistakes, and we can't let them have any leverage, otherwise."

He will also fall into a very difficult situation. After all, he is already in a very difficult situation now.

If the situation worsens by then, it is very likely that he will not be able to take care of it, so he must act cautiously.

"Of course, he must start cultivating his confidants now, after all, it is such a huge family."

If I just rely on myself, I will definitely not be able to completely manage it, and I will not be able to manage the whole family by then.

It is also necessary to place one's own confidants, and every aspect must be considered.

"Once there is any trouble within the family, I will be able to know it immediately."

At that time, I can make the most timely response, otherwise, if I don't have a good grasp of the entire family's internal information.

At that time, you will also let yourself miss something, causing you to make wrong judgments.

"After all, he is in his position. Once he makes a wrong judgment, it is not a small matter.

Therefore, he must grasp this matter quickly and train his own confidants. .

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