And sometimes his bottom line will become the rules that the people below him must abide by when doing things.

But although Lin Hao is very clear about these things in his heart, if he really wants to implement them.

"There is still a certain degree of difficulty. After all, Lin Hao is now single and weak, and the entire family is weak."

Although there are some supporters of him, these supporters are only supporters of the previous family leader.

Their loyalty to Lin Hao is only their loyalty to the previous family leader, since Lin Hao was the person chosen by the previous family leader.

"Then they too will not question anything and will respect the decisions made by the previous family leader."

I will definitely support Lin Haoyan without any reservation, but if we say that Lin Hao is in this action to deal with the family crisis.

If the performance is not what they want, they will not hesitate to choose another person to take charge of the entire family.

After all, for them, what they value more is their contribution to the entire family, rather than the so-called favors.

"Or maybe it's the background. Of course, they chose to support Lin Hao. Of course, they had the previous family leader."

There are factors involved in the decision made, but the same is true of Lin Hao's own abilities.

They all saw it in their eyes and approved of it very much. Otherwise, even if it was the choice made by the previous family leader.

Here, they will not choose to be loyal to Lin Hao as unreservedly as they do now.

"Especially within such a big family, only strength can speak for itself, if you have enough strength."

Then others will obey your orders. If you are not strong enough, no matter how tough your background is.

It is only on the surface that respecting you does not mean that it is a true and unreserved choice to be loyal to you and to your orders.

You will implement it without reservation, but after all, for Lin Hao, he understands the entire family.

"It's not that in-depth and thorough. Even these own supporters are the legacy of the previous family leader."

He is also very confident that the ability of the previous family leader must be able to pass his test in these years.

The remaining supporters will definitely not have those ambitious people, but after all, this is also a very special period.

Although the people who were left behind before are not ambitious, it does not mean that the people under them are ambitious.

".~So Lin Hao had to be on guard. It was precisely because of this that he did not choose."

Let these people share some of the pressure for him, or tell them the entire plan and let them help him execute it. (good thing)

Because he is also afraid that if something unexpected happens then, everything will be lost.

So Lin Hao would rather focus all the pressure on himself and let himself be alone.

"Facing such a heavy burden, I didn't choose to tell others about it, and I was very cautious." 1

After all, since Lin Hao has taken over this heavy responsibility, he must be responsible for him. Can he let him go?

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