It can increase the probability of success by one point, so for the final success, Lin Hao did not stop it.

The internal gaps underneath are used to transmit messages to the outside world. Of course, Lin Hao did not say that he chose to ignore them.

He also chose to strengthen the family's blockade. He also knew that these blockades were now loosened.

So no matter which aspect you consider, it is necessary to strengthen the blockade, if it is annoying to ignore it.

"On the contrary, it will arouse the suspicion of the other party. After all, for them now, the family must be sealed off."

Only in this way can we prevent the news from leaking out. In this case, it is possible to gain a glimmer of hope, but if we just let the blockade loosen.

But if you don't care, then the purpose is too obvious, it is obviously to install them in the gap within the family.

"Pass the news out, then the news conveyed in this way must be false, and then they won't be fooled. After all, they are all old foxes.

Then all the previous efforts made by Lin Hao and others will be in vain, and precious time will not be gained.

At that time, it will be too difficult for the entire plan to succeed, so Lin Hao still has to do what he should do.

It’s just that the intensity needs to be weakened (beaa), otherwise if the blockade is completed perfectly again, then these messages will not be transmitted.

It would be in vain, and those hostile families would not get this information.

"Then my idea of ​​releasing smoke bombs will not be completed, and I will not be able to buy them time."

So immediately after his confidants left the place where he lived, a numerology was also released from the place where he lived.

"That is, in the past few days, we have to strengthen the blockade around the family, and no news can be passed out."

Although Lin Hao's order has been passed on, after all, it is no longer the past.

And it was also under Lin Hao's deliberate arrangement. Lin Hao did not say that he wanted to block all the information.

"It was also deliberate. He wanted to let some of this information be revealed. After all, this was also part of his plan."

And in fact, for Lin Hao, it would be impossible to truly block all information.

"After all, his control over the entire family is not that thorough now, and there are some things he is only willing to do but unable to do."

It's like blocking news. Although the orders he made before were also very strict.

But how many of them were actually executed is still unknown, but what Lin Hao can know is the order he issued.

It must have not been fully implemented by them, and the information that was blocked must have been disclosed to me, and that information.

"It's just that compared to before, there are a lot less, but it has not been completely eliminated."

So Lin Hao also sees these things, but after all, he just doesn't have that much energy to deal with them, so he can just take advantage of this opportunity. .

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