The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 422 Don’T Underestimate

But never underestimate these top experts, you must know that they can practice to the point where they are today.

I definitely have more and various means, even if I don't let them do it personally.

"But there must be many people who want to do it for them, so as to form a good relationship."

At that time, when I have any difficulties, I will definitely seek out these top "nine-six-three" strong men.

This is a rare and good opportunity. To let such a top powerhouse owe a favor is definitely something that everyone dreams of.

So even if these top experts are not allowed to do it themselves, they just use some small means.

It is not a price that these families below can afford, so it is precisely because of this consideration.

"I didn't act rashly, and although when the time comes, if these top strong men interfere with their plans."

Then the top experts behind their family will definitely not sit back and do nothing. After all, no matter what, it is their own family and they cannot ignore it.

Because those top strong men are equivalent to the protectors of the entire family, and the entire family will also follow a fixed ratio.

Hand over part of the benefits brought by the family to seek the protection of these top powerhouses, even though they are all members of the same family.

"But brothers are still settling accounts, not to mention that top experts at their level don't have so much time and energy."

To pay attention to the affairs between these small families, it is only to pay a certain price to seek the nominal protection of these strongest people. "

So if Lin Hao, the guardian of their family, wants to take action, then the guardian behind them.

Corresponding actions will definitely be taken, and a battle between these top experts will never be allowed.

"So this won't make them too timid, but they are afraid that Lin Hao and his family will be killed when the time comes."

Carrying out this fight with the idea of ​​​​destroying everything is a price they cannot bear.

But if they had wiped out the entire Lin Hao family before the patron saint of the Lin Hao family could react...

If you pay a certain price by then, this matter can be solved perfectly. After all.

The relationship between them is more about interests. Anyway, the entire family has been destroyed, and then they only need to replace Lin Hao and his family.

"Then complete the role of distributing benefits, then the whole thing will not be so difficult. And it must be from the root cause."

Completely get rid of Lin Hao and his family. In this case, we will take revenge for a completely closed family.

And facing such a large number of families, and behind each family, there is a top strong person.

This is completely an unwise choice, 4.9 so as long as they handle it cleanly enough.

"Then this matter is not as difficult as imagined, but if there is a fish that slips through the net.

Then the nature of this matter has changed, and it will definitely make the top power behind the Lin Hao family take revenge on them at all costs.

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