They, too, obey the orders of the family leader, and they can't help it. The world is so cruel.

"Just relying on small characters like them can't change anything. For those powerful people."

None of them can change the current situation of this world, let alone the little minions like them.

They can only follow orders and exercise them. What they can do is to enhance their own strength as much as possible.

In order to survive in this cruel reality, they have no other choice.

"They don't have the ability or the ideas to do those kind things, because you don't know.

Because of his temporary kindness, the suffering it will bring will be how cruel.

Sometimes, just because of one thought, it may bring disaster to the entire family.

Although they are not completely taking action now, they are aware of the current situation.

"It's just temporary. There will definitely be a big war waiting for them. When that time comes,

It's really the time to decide life and death. It's really either you die or I die. There is no other choice.

And the so-called calm now is just the calm on the surface. Underneath this surface calm are more turbulent waves.

Now the entire family is very nervous, and they are constantly sending out various spies to find out the news.

They also know that it is very important at this time and there cannot be any mistakes.

"Otherwise, the price they will incur will not be something they can afford, and they will have to find ways to do so."

In this sinister plan, he has obtained enough benefits for his family. After all, this is the reality of the world.

Man-made birds die for food. No matter how great the risk is, it will be accompanied by the same benefits.

And it is an eternal truth that the more dangerous the place, the greater the benefits it contains.

“So, this is exactly why they did not choose to back down in the face of such huge risks.

Although the risks involved are also very huge, once this thing succeeds.

Then the benefits it brings to them are absolute and beyond their imagination, not to mention for them.

After their family has developed to this point, it is very difficult for them to take a step forward, as if they have encountered a bottleneck.

".~If you want to go further, unless there is a huge opportunity, you will just maintain the current situation."

But in their hearts, they also know very well that this current situation cannot last long if they cannot seek further development.

Then the family will definitely decline day by day, so as the leaders of the family, they will never allow this to happen.

"It just so happened that at this time, Lin Hao had just taken charge of the entire family, so it was no surprise that he became the best solution."

As long as Lin Hao's family can be annexed, their own family can definitely be annexed.

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