What qualifications do you have to talk about the so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality? Everything is based on your own life.

"Only when you are alive can you do what you want to do, and only then can you maintain that ridiculous morality of benevolence and justice."

Otherwise, if I die, even if I give you great opportunities and endless resources for practice, what's the use?

You are already dead, so you can no longer enjoy these, so everything.

It must be built on the basis of being able to survive, if you can't even have the most basic foundation.

What use are those attractive benefits, or that huge check, to you?

So 14 said, Lin Hao also understood very well that there is nothing more important than his own life in the face of survival.

"So, he must also be responsible for the entire family and so many people, since he is now the leader of the entire family."

Then you have to shoulder the same responsibility accordingly, no matter what the opinions of the family are about you.

In other words, whether they recognize themselves or not, at least they are in this position, then they must bear the corresponding responsibilities.

As for other conflicts within the family, you can wait until this crisis is over, and then slowly settle it, and then liquidate it again [Lin Hao will not be merciful.

But the most important thing now is how to lead the entire family to continue to survive. Now that is his most important task.

In the face of this kind of existential crisis, other issues can be put aside for the time being, except for those who really want to betray the family.

"For other people, if they can repent in time, Lin Hao is willing to give them another chance."

After all, he understands those people very well and knows how to see a young man who is so much younger than himself.

To control such a large family, and he is also conscientious and has made so many contributions to the entire family.

In the end, the result turned out to be like this. I was somewhat dissatisfied, but definitely not that way.

Wanting to harm the entire family is exactly Lin Hao's bottom line. In Lin Hao's point of view, you and I can have different opinions.

"You can put it forward, or you can sit down and discuss it carefully, or you can say that you want to do it in your own way."

All of this is acceptable. Even if these things happen, Lin Hao will not kill them all.

After all, what flows in the blood is the bloody affair of the same family, and it is not serious enough to "have to be eradicated."

But once you have bad intentions, or other ideas, and want to use the entire family as your stepping stone.

This is something Lin Hao absolutely cannot bear. Faced with this situation, Lin Hao will never be merciful.

"I will definitely get rid of them, and then I won't care about what's flowing in their veins.

It is also the bloodline of the entire family, so when you wanted to use the entire family as your stepping stone, why didn't you consider the people you wanted to abandon."

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