The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 447 Another Kind Of Test

At that time, other people will be allowed to lead the entire family, so for Lin Hao.

This can be regarded as a different kind of test, but the current situation is also somewhat special, and Lin Hao must bite the bullet and join forces.

"Although they said that if they wanted to recover them according to the original plan, it would still take some effort."

But now, it provides him with a good environment, after all, in the face of the crisis of the survival of the entire family.

No matter how dissatisfied they are with Lin Hao in their hearts, they can only endure it for the time being and must obey Lin Hao's arrangements.

If in the end, their disobedience led to the failure of the entire family, then they are the sinners of the entire family.

"I'm afraid that when the time comes, there will be no need for Lin Hao to take action. People from other factions will take action to deal with them. After all, this is also related to their own lives.

Therefore, they will not risk their own future, and if the whole family is the last.

If it is shattered, it will not be of any benefit to them, because they also have to.

You have to rely on the entire family to survive. One person's strength is ultimately limited.

"What's more, it's the same for them, because they can't get the kind of strength that can change the rules on their own.

Such a person has become the patron saint of the entire family, so he no longer has to worry about these things.

So since they don't have that kind of strength, they must rely on their family to survive better.

If they break away from the family, they will no longer have such good resources and such a good environment.

"And judging from the enemies the family has established over the years, if they break away from the family."

Their fate is definitely not much better, and there are countless people who want to kill them.

So those who can survive till now are smart people. They also know that if they leave the family.

If they are left alone to survive in this cruel world, let alone other factors...

But these powerful enemies are not something they can compete with, so if they want to survive better.

"I also know that I have to rely on the big tree of the family, although sometimes there are some constraints."

But overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages | if it were not for the ten big protective umbrellas of the family.

Then their survival is a problem, not to mention that once they lose their family, I am afraid that what awaits them will be a life worse than death.

Because over the years, they have done a lot of outrageous things, and they relied on their family to back them up.

"They are also bullying others and have done a lot of things, so if there is no family 4.4 to support them.

I'm afraid their fate will be very tragic, so they are very aware of this matter.

So when they knew that the family was facing such a dangerous situation, their first reaction was.

I am also thinking about how to solve these big troubles, rather than thinking about escaping. .

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