The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 465 Knowing It Well

And you must know that those who can live here are all the elites of the family, since they can become the elite of the family.

I also understand this better. If the entire family is wiped out, they, the elite personnel, will be wiped out.

"It is even more the target of the enemy's pursuit. If the entire huge family cannot resist it."

So just relying on their personal strength, what qualifications can they have to resist? Then what awaits them when the time comes.

Even if you die, don't believe the other party's lies and tempt them to surrender.

097 will not escape death, but will be accused of betraying the family, not only himself, but also their descendants.

They will also be looked down upon by everyone within the family. The most important thing is that even if you do that, it will not change the final result.

"It's better to follow the family wholeheartedly. Under the leadership of Lin Hao, there may be a glimmer of hope for survival."

They all know very well about Lin Hao's abilities and what a wise person the previous family leader was.

Under (beda) his leadership, the entire family's strength has continued to rise, compared to the previous situation where they were bullied everywhere.

There has also been an earth-shaking change, so they believe in the previous family leader from the bottom of their hearts.

"The trust in the previous family leader can be said to have been deeply rooted in their bones, since Lin Hao can be the previous family leader."

Choosing to take on this role as the family leader means that Lin Hao must have something outstanding.

With the approval of the previous family leader, there is only one way left for them now.

That is to trust Lin Hao without any reservation, because this is the choice of the previous family leader, and the person chosen to follow him must be right.

Moreover, the previous family leader also had no bad thoughts about the family.

"At least he won't betray the entire family and sacrifice the entire family in exchange for the hope that his dog will survive."

And through these methods that Lin Hao didn't know about in recent days, they can also see it.

Lin Hao is indeed a person with real talents and knowledge, not the kind of people who rely on ulterior motives to get to the top.

If in this case, they still have a glimmer of hope to survive.

"Then it will be achieved under the leadership of Lin Hao. If we break away from Lin Hao and let them fight alone."

Then there is no doubt that there is only one end left for them, which is death, and that death is still a very painful death.

Of course, they also know that the family is currently fighting and there is some confusion, but these are not things they can decide.

They are just the most basic members of the entire family, making choices or giving orders to the upper-level leaders.

They also have no right to interfere or the qualification to question. All they can do is follow these orders.

"Besides, they have no other choice, sometimes even if they know it."

What they did was wrong, but there was nothing they could do about it. After all, their duty was to obey orders. .

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