The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 484 Reduce Mistakes

In this way, it can not only reduce their consumption of materials, but also reduce the probability of changes.

After all, the current situation is very favorable for them. If they seize the time, the final decisive battle will take place.

"Then the hope of victory will be greater for them, if it continues to be delayed."

They don't dare to have this guarantee, and if the battle ends this morning, then the benefits they can get in the end.

It is also even greater. You must know that while they are consuming materials, they are worried that 633 is also consuming within their family.

If we continue to delay, Lin Hao and his family will be almost exhausted of supplies.

"Even if they can achieve the final victory by then, so what? The benefits they can obtain.

There is not much left, plus what I have consumed before, overall.

They are also a very unwise business, which is definitely a huge loss for their family.

Moreover, it will also rely on the strength within their family (bedf), and other interested families will take advantage of it.

Thus walking in the footsteps of Lin Hao and his family. So after a whole night of careful discussion, a series of combat plans were worked out.

"Of course, the people who make these plans are also the people in charge of the big families, as well as the people of the small families.

I am only qualified to listen on the sidelines, not even qualified to offer opinions, of course.

They are definitely cannon fodder in this battle, there is no doubt about this.

After all, they are the weakest in strength, so they can only be used as cannon fodder in the front.

And those people from the big families are the ones who will appear in the finale, because whether the whole battle can be won in the end.

"The most important thing is that it depends on these big families, because their strength is not proportional to their own strength. If we only rely on these small families."

None of them had the courage to take action against Lin Hao and his family. The heads of these small families are also very clear about this.

After all, they are very clear about their own strength and have a very accurate positioning for themselves.

If they didn't even have this bit of self-awareness, then their family would have been expelled long ago.

That is why they understand more clearly that there are many things that he can only know, but he does not have the ability to change them.

"But now for them, this is a very rare opportunity. Of course, this success can bring huge benefits."

But if they fail in the same way, they will also pay a very heavy price, but in comparison, they are still willing to take this risk.

Because if I take risks, there is still a possibility that my family can be formed one day, but if it continues like this.

Then their family can only maintain this state until other families develop.

"In the end, all they can do is be annexed. Other than that, there is no other way out."

So if you want your family to continue better. There are some risks that must be taken. .

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