The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 495 Can’T Back Down

This made them a little confused, but when they thought about it later, it was normal.

"Because although the leader of their faction is not on the same page as Lin Hao, after all, they are connected with the entire family."

If the family perishes, it will not be of any benefit to them at all.

And if you look at the situation within the entire family on "813", they are also relatively powerful, and looking at it now.

Everything has been figured out. He must be the leader of their faction. Seeing the family, I want to stay in such a crisis.

Although they say they have nothing to do with Lin Hao, they still have to keep their mission in mind to protect the entire family.

"That's why they were transferred to this place, but they didn't consider the deeper reasons.

I just thought that this was to resist others and give some time to those who were relatively weak within the family.

Although they don't know what the use of delaying for some more time is, in their understanding.

They were already considered isolated and helpless. No one would come to rescue them, otherwise they would have been surrounded for so many days.

Why haven't they heard any news? So they are left to fight alone.

"That is to say, the only thing they can rely on is themselves. It seems that all hope can only be sustained by themselves.

But they actually don't have his hope, because judging from the current situation, they are also at an absolute disadvantage.

No matter in terms of combat effectiveness or in all aspects, they do not have an advantage when the time comes to fight.

Even if they can hold on for a little longer, they will definitely not be able to achieve the final victory. This is not something they are trying to do.

"This is just the actual situation. They also know that they are here, and if they continue to persist, it will have no effect.

But they can't retreat anymore, because they have no place to retreat.

Behind them are his relatives who are weaker than him. If they retreat...

Then their relatives will definitely not be able to withstand the enemy's ferocious attack, and they don't want to see it.

Their relatives died in front of them, so they had only one choice, and that was to stand in front of their relatives.

"Resist the enemy's attack for the enemy's relatives. In this way, even if you die, you can buy some time for your relatives.

At least then they would have a clear conscience and try their best to protect their loved ones.

Even if death is what greets them in the end, it is a relief for them.

In fact, the arrangement of these leaders is also a relief for these people under 1.8, if the leaders of the factions let them escape from the battle.

"They also have to hesitate whether to obey the order or not. After all, what if they are really asked to give the order?"

If they were asked to escape, it would be really difficult for them to do so, and it would be impossible for them to betray the entire family.

So when the time comes, there will really be some contradictions. .

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