The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

004 The Nun's Mission (1 Update Book For Subscription)

After a few days!

Haji Village, outside the church!

A man with white hair and wearing a black robe of a student, looked at the dry pond in front of him, and couldn't help frowning.

And he is the priest here.

At this time, the same woman in a black robe and a piece of black gauze on her head came over.

And she is the nun here!

"Father, what's the matter?" Seeing the priest's expression, the nun couldn't help asking.

The priest couldn't help thinking around the pool: "It's strange, why there is no water leading to the pool."

The nun was taken aback, and said, "Could it be that something happened upstream?"

"Well, it's possible? But... this kind of thing hasn't happened for many years." The priest said incredulously.

"Father, could it be that the river has dried up?" the nun asked with a sudden change of expression.

"Are you kidding me? How could the river dry up!" The priest replied, and immediately continued: "By the way, I'm going out today. Take some time today to go up and have a look!"

The nun nodded and replied, "I see, Father!"

After a few hours.

After the nun finished the tasks at hand, she set off upstream.

The upstream is not very far, the distance is about 3-4 kilometers. After a while, the nun came to the river.

However, when she saw the scene in front of her, she was completely stunned.

Because the water in the small river, at this moment, has become a glacier.

The nun was slightly stunned: "What's going on? Could it be that someone deliberately released magic to freeze the river?"

The nun continued to walk up the river bank, and she slowly felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped, and the next scene completely overwhelmed her.

What appeared in her line of sight were all kinds of frozen things, such as trees and the ground.

If she hadn't known this place herself, the nun would have thought she had come to an extremely cold place.

And a little above these frozen objects, there is a man standing on a limb covered in ice.

And he is Lin Hao.

At this time, Lin Hao was cultivating the ability to freeze fruit in his body.


Lin Hao spit out a breath of cold air, now he knows the limit of the frozen fruit in his body.

Of course, the current him cannot be compared with Hara Aokiji in One Piece.

The system gives Lin Hao frozen fruit, but the development level requires Lin Hao to develop it himself.

Now he can't be frozen on a large scale.

As for the magic attribute in his body, it is of the plant type.

Lin Hao took out the Grimoire in his hand, and immediately after, the Grimoire emitted a green light and floated in the void.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Grimoire himself turned to the page with the lettering.

"Wood creation magic, entanglement!"

"Bang bang bang!"

On the ground, several vines sprang up suddenly, directly entangled a frozen tree.

Lin Hao sighed, his magical attribute is far inferior to the ability of the Devil fruit in his body!

Thinking about it in another way, this system still has some conscience. After all, I gave myself a Devil fruit. Otherwise, relying on my plant-based magic, it would be really difficult to become a strong player.


Suddenly, a soft voice came from behind Lin Hao.

Lin Hao turned his head subconsciously.

"You were the one at the Grimoire Tower that day." The nun said, startled.

Lin Hao was a little puzzled. After looking at the nun, he asked, "You know me?"

The nun shook her head and said calmly, "I don't know you, I just met you in the Grimoire Tower that day."

"Tower of Grimoire?"

Lin Hao immediately remembered what happened in the Grimoire Tower, which brought up a topic, and it was difficult not to remember it.

"Is this your magic? It's so powerful." The nun looked at all kinds of ice sculptures around her and said from the bottom of her heart.

Lin Hao nodded.

Lin Hao has an impression of the nun in front of him. When he was watching the episode of black four-leaf clover, the nun was a character who appeared very early.

Now, he still remembers that Asta proposed to the nun and was rejected by the nun.

"Are you training now?" the nun continued to ask.

"Well, is there something for the nun?" Lin Hao asked back.

"You freeze the river, and all the water flowing from the upper reaches goes to another river. Then our Haji Village will have no water." The nun said slowly.

Lin Hao said "Oh", the reason why he froze the river and the surrounding things was just to test his current freezing limit.

Now that the testing is over, there is no need to practice in the future like today.

"Thank you." The nun finally let out a smile at this moment.

Lin Hao's first impression of the nun was not bad. When he watched the anime before, he didn't pay much attention to it.

It wasn't until now that he discovered that there was a tear mole under the corner of the nun's eye, and this tear mole on her face added her temperament,

After Lin Hao lifted the freezing ability, he chatted with the nun about some common topics.

The next moment, in the sky, several figures flew over Lin Hao's head.

He subconsciously looked up at the sky, at this moment, in mid-air, about 5 people riding brooms landed next to Lin Hao.



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