The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

049 Ancient Tree Spirit (Seeking Flowers)

"What the hell is going on here? Why is the spell on that piece of paper now engraved on my Grimoire."

Lin Hao now has a very rich expression on his face, he doesn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

He glanced around subconsciously, and found the yellowed paper that was blown in the corner of the wall.

But at this moment on the paper, the incantation on the front has disappeared.

As for why it disappeared, Lin Hao can roughly guess it.


Grimoire in front of Lin Hao suddenly burst into a shining green light.

Everyone subconsciously stretched out their hands to block their eyes to block the light.

Suddenly, at this moment, Lin Hao's face was very solemn, and he stared at his Grimoire.

"What's going on here? The demon... Grimoire is absorbing my magic power!"

Lin Hao secretly thought that he wanted to stop, but he couldn't.

After absorbing about half of it, suddenly, Grimoire's magic power rushed back into Lin Hao's body.

For a moment, Lin Hao felt that his body was going to be blasted by this magic power.


Lin Hao yelled loudly, and suddenly, with him as the center, a gust of air spread directly.

The entire hall shook.

"What's going on here? Well... what a powerful magic power!" Klaus said in shock.

"Lin Hao's magic power suddenly increased a lot, what happened just now?" Vanessa asked with a puzzled look.

"Is Mr. Lin Hao okay?" Mimosa began to feel a little worried.

Everyone wanted to help, but they really didn't know how to help.

Don't say they were puzzled, the same, now Lin Hao also looks confused.

"Damn! What's going on here?" Lin Hao frowned, feeling very complicated inside.

He now feels that his body is about to explode at any time, which is very uncomfortable.

Of course, this is a huge opportunity for Mars.

"Bang bang bang!"

Mars controlled the ore titan and dashed away, then jumped up and punched Lin Hao with his fists.

When the fist approached step by step, in front of Lin Hao, suddenly, a powerful light flashed once again.


The ore titan was suddenly shattered, and Mars flew upside down, hitting the wall heavily.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, then fell to the ground and passed out.

And at this moment, standing in front of Lin Hao is a titan as huge as an ore titan.

Most of its body structure is composed of green tree roots, which looks a little scary.

"What is this titan...?"

Vanessa, Asta, and the people around the Golden Dawn group all frowned when they saw this titan.

"very scary!"

Almost everyone couldn't help trembling, only Asta's eyes were shining, said.

"Okay... so cool, is this Lin Hao's magic, it's really domineering."


At this moment, the titan turned his head suddenly, glanced at Lin Hao who was underground, followed closely, and directly turned into a spot of light.

Disappeared in the sight of the crowd.

Watching the disappearance of the titan, the magical impact on Lin Hao also disappeared.

"Just now... Which one is this spell?" Lin Hao held the Grimoire in his hand, unable to recover for a long time.

Let's not talk about whether this magic is powerful, or whether it is ancient magic.

Lin Hao felt that it was not very important.

The important thing is, if you have to experience these pains every time you use it, Lin Hao would rather not have this magic.

"Tap Tat Tat!"

At this moment, Asta and the others quickly walked to Lin Hao's side.

"Lin Hao, are you okay!" Vanessa asked worriedly.

Lin Hao shook his head.

"Is that titan just now your magic?" Yuno asked from the side.

Lin Hao hesitated for a while, then said softly: "I think, it should be!"

"It's too powerful. He defeated him with one blow. Mr. Lin Hao is really powerful!" Mimosa said with a slight smile.

On the other hand, Klaus had a very bad expression on his face. Although he hated Lin Hao in his heart, Lin Hao's strength was undeniable.

"That guy, he shouldn't suddenly get up again!" Asta said, looking at Mars who fell on the ground in the distance.

"I don't know, I think, this time, he should have no strength to stand up." Lin Hao said slowly.

"Bring him back to the four-leaf clover kingdom and hand it over to the Magic Emperor!" Klaus said expressionlessly.

Immediately afterwards, he walked in the direction of Mars in a diameter.

Suddenly, the hall shook violently, bang... bang, the top of the hall began to collapse continuously.

"What's going on?" Yuno asked in surprise.

"It seems that the magic palace has been attacked by someone." Lin Hao replied.

"Let's get out of here first!" Vanessa said anxiously.

Everyone nodded, and even Klaus who wanted to catch Mars couldn't help rushing back.

Yuno quickly opened his Grimoire and shouted: "Wind Creation Magic. Tianjin Wind Ark."

"Hoo hoo!"

As soon as Yuno's voice fell, a tornado-shaped object appeared out of thin air.

Yuno stood on it and shouted loudly: "Everyone come up!"



I have something to do today, it's a little late for more, and there will be another update!

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