The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 497 Distributing Resources

Because the current situation has made it clear that one of the two sides must end in failure.

"There is no possibility of reconciliation in this battle. People on both sides know this very well."

So they are also prepared to use more pressure, as long as a battle breaks out.

He will use all his strength to fight this battle, because if he is slightly negligent.

Then you will pay the price of your own life, and no one will make a joke about it.

And this is closely related to their own interests, so they are more serious.

"There won't be any mistakes, and Lin Hao and the others are under a lot of pressure.

Moreover, the number of enemies is also dominant, but no matter what, Lin Hao's family was also a big family before.

The resources reserved in the family are also very considerable, especially now that all the clan members are gathered here.

It can be said that all their remaining strength is concentrated here, except of course the previous family leader.

"Except for the means left behind, all the rest of the power is here. In other words, all the resources left in the family now."

They will all start to distribute some to them, also to enable them to survive in this battle.

At this point, it has no meaning anymore, and there is no need to seal up all those resources that are distressed.

If the last battle ended with their defeat, then these resources would have been in vain to benefit the enemy.

Moreover, allocating these resources to people in one's own family can once again enhance the strength of their side.

“It is also possible to increase the certainty of victory, and we also need to buy some time.

Those on the outside turned around and faced the enemies outside, forming a two-sided siege.

In this case, their chance of victory will come, and Lin Hao has also secretly shot out the troops.

Then he negotiated with those families who had good relations with them, and asked them to send troops to help him when the time came.

"In this case, in the end, part of the benefits that can be obtained will be shared with them."

When those families heard that, Lin Hao and the others had a last resort, and it sounded like the probability of success was still very high.

They are also attracted by the interests behind these, as long as Lin Hao and their plan can succeed.

Then they can all be allocated a large amount of resources, and the most important thing is that there are also some families among them.

".~The relationship with them is not very good, so we can take this opportunity to suppress them, of course.

This kind of thing must be considered carefully, because this battle is no joke.

It does not mean that you can participate if you want (Dede Zhao) to participate, and withdraw if you want to withdraw. Once you choose, there is no possibility of continuing to repent.

Once you choose to wade into this muddy water, your fate will be the same as that of Lin Hao and his family.

"Together we share weal and woe, if we can survive, then they and Lin Hao's family.

We can survive together. If we are destroyed in the end, we will be destroyed together. .

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