The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 502 Playing A Role

So next, they only need to play their role, because they are the leaders of each faction.

He also knows where the respective forces of those under him are, and he knows better than Lin Hao.

"Where should they be placed so that they can maximize their abilities, so that they can be put to the best use possible."

Let them exert their greatest strength and give the family the greatest chance of survival in this crisis.

Therefore, the preparation stage before the battle is also extremely tense and urgent, whether it is Lin Hao's family or the enemy's side.

Both sides are preparing very nervously. For the enemy, this is just a battle with a guaranteed victory.

But what they have to do now is to win this battle with minimal losses.

"At that time, we will strive to obtain the maximum benefits. As for Lin Hao and his family, it is to delay as much time as possible to protect their own family.

Although they are also looking forward to it in their hearts, a glimmer of hope will come to them when the time comes.

But they themselves knew very well that this hope was almost impossible.

Judging from the current situation of their family, even if there are reinforcements, they will come to rescue them.

I'm afraid they too will not be able to hold on until that time, when the enemies will swarm up.

I'm afraid that with their strength, they won't be able to sustain it for long, if the family's defense line is breached by the enemy.

"Then even if reinforcements arrive, it will have no effect. And if the family is really in this serious situation."

So why didn't you come before? Now that the family has reached a critical moment, it is time to come to the rescue anyway.

But until now, I haven't heard even a little bit of news, if there is any research on this situation.

That will definitely be very big news, and if they come to rescue them later, there will also be a very big battle.

No matter how well the confidentiality work is done, it is impossible that no rumors will be revealed, but now there is no one.

"It also proves that they have no reason anymore, and the only one they can rely on is themselves.

Although there is a little despair in their hearts, there is also a little hope in the despair.

Although they don't know where this hope lies, they always feel that they have hope of survival.

So they also want to give it a try, and the leader of the faction also stays with them to fight together.

This was what touched them the most, and it also let them know that the family had not abandoned them.

".~You are going to live and die with them, the money is good) It also inspired the last fighting instinct deep in their hearts.

At that time, no matter how fierce the enemy's attack is, they will still explode with all their strength.

"Have a final duel with the enemy. Even if you are about to lose your life, you will drag ten enemies to be buried with you."

This night, we were in a very tense atmosphere, and even the air was filled with tension. .

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