Using this weapon to weaken the opponent's offensive momentum must also make them feel fear deep in their hearts.

"This way, we can prevent them from charging forward fearlessly like they are now."

Everyone in Lin Hao's family understands this very well.

Because no matter what they say, they are also people who have experienced all kinds of battles, big and small.

So this situation can still be seen. All kinds of light groups suddenly appeared as if they were free of money.

"Flying out from within Lin Hao's family, the targets were those who fearlessly rushed towards them among the cannon fodder."

The cannon fodder soon discovered the existence of these light groups, but they had no way to retreat.

Although they also sensed the fatal danger from these circles of light, they could clearly feel the inside of these light groups.

It contains power that they cannot match, if they let these light groups fall on themselves.

"I'm afraid I think there will be no bones left, but there is no way. They can use their scalps to rush forward."

I said that if the cross talkers retreated, the people behind would definitely put a knife on their necks and force them to move forward.

And if they were fast, they could rush to Lin Hao and his family in front of Fang County before these light balls fell.

Then they don't have to face those terrifying light groups anymore. Compared with these terrifying light groups.

On the contrary, these people in Lin Hao's family are not that big a threat, because no matter what, the people in Lin Hao's family are not that big of a threat.

"No matter how powerful they are, they are still just humans after all. Being humans proves that they have their own limits."

And they won't release an attack as powerful as this aperture, so they can still do it.

Relying on numbers to fight each other and consume the opponent's strength, they still have hope of final victory when the time comes.

But facing this kind of light group, this level of attack is just a one-time consumption attack falling on them.

It is just to take away their lives, and then their mission is completed. It can be said that this is completely the rhythm of death.

"So they don't want to face this kind of problem, because it is no different from dying."

So when these light groups appeared, each of them increased their horsepower and ran as hard as they could in front of the city.

Originally, they thought that if they could delay it a little longer, the people from the big families behind would definitely lose their temper.

They will definitely take action, but then there will be no need, they will die.

But now, all of them wish they could have more legs and rush to the defense line of Lin Hao and his family.

".~However, their efforts are in vain, because these light groups themselves contain powerful power."

It can be said that their speed is also very fast. Relying on the power of these cannon fodder, it is difficult to escape from the range covered by these apertures.

You must know that the purpose of developing these light groups is to target this large-scale cannon fodder.

Therefore, their own strength may not be that strong, for people with some strength. .

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