The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 543 Go Back And Prepare

Then he asked all the disciples to start going back to prepare, and those few people in Luo Yonghao's team.

"They also walked quickly to Luo Yonghao's position. They also wanted to discuss it with Luo Yonghao."

Regarding this selection, Luo Yonghao also winked at them just when they wanted to speak.

Instructing them not to talk here until they go back, those people understood what Luo Yonghao meant.

I also know that there are many people here, and if the time comes, some thoughtful people will use it to make a fuss, it will be more than worth the gain.

So everyone shut their mouths and headed towards their usual gathering place.

And those disciples with backgrounds are the ones who work together in twos and threes and are usually relatively good people.

They also get together to discuss these things, but for them, it's not so particular.

"They all have backgrounds, so there is nothing to be afraid of when talking about these news.

Moreover, this news was also revealed by the elders of the family, so they wanted to talk here.

There was nothing against the rules, but after they got together in twos and threes to talk.

They didn't get any useful information at all. They didn't know why these elders did this.

It seems that just relying on these people, if they get together, they can't come up with any results.

So they also wanted to go back to their own courtyard and ask the elders of their faction for news.

"See if we can get some useful information. For them, this is also very important."

Because these are related to whether they can achieve the most precious position in the future.

Everyone is also ambitious. Especially since they have a more prominent position than others.

They also know better than ordinary people what benefits it will bring to them if they can sit in that position.

So they also want to strive to achieve that position, so that they can get the benefits when the time comes.

It will also be far beyond their imagination. For them, this is absolutely impossible to give up.

…Please give me flowers…

"And they also feel that there are some unusual changes this time, so they must have a clear grasp of the situation."

There cannot be any mistakes. If not, any inconspicuous mistake may lead to their subsequent failure.


But their idea was destined to be shattered, because they would definitely not be able to find out such news.

Because those elders will definitely not tell them the news, because once they are told.

Then it means that they will be deprived of the qualification to participate, and then the gain will outweigh the loss.

Therefore, each of these elders knows the interests involved better than anyone else.

"They don't have anyone who wants to stand out like this, although they don't know if they will really do it when the time comes."

But for the sake of insurance, it’s better not to raise this eyebrow, because if it happens now.

Anyone who offends this brow will definitely be treated as a first-timer.

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