The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 572 The Mastermind Behind The Scenes

Therefore, both Luo Yonghao and the others, as well as the group of disciples with backgrounds, also know.

This competition is far from as simple as it seems on the surface.

Because Luo Yonghao's existence also made these disciples with background aware of the threat.

Although this time, people like Luo Yonghao can participate in the selection competition.

"But if they perform well in this competition.'

Who knows whether they will be allowed to participate again next time, now is the only way.

The one who made them feel threatened was Luo Yonghao, so 003 wanted to find a way to keep him here permanently.

You must know that Luo Yonghao can develop to this point now, if he is given enough time.

Then no one knows what kind of disaster he can become in the end, and he will be trouble in the end.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, we must try to avoid risks as much as possible, and once the game starts.

"It will leave them with a lot of room for maneuver. Who can guarantee that?"

Those elders can maintain absolute impartiality, and (bebj) after all, this is also a matter of their own lives.

Therefore, it is necessary to take it seriously and not take any chances.

So in the next preparation stage, they will definitely do their best and will definitely put themselves in the best position.

All the means to suppress the situation are used, no matter it is for these disciples with background.

There are disciples like Luo Yonghao who have no background, and they are all like this.

"They will try their best to prepare their positions with all the means they can use.'

When the time comes, we will be able to achieve a better ranking. This time the meeting also ended hastily.

The rest is the same, they need to be left with enough time to prepare the next means.

And Luo Yonghao also has his own things to do. After all, he is the protagonist of this reform of the selection competition.

There are some things that he doesn't need to think about on his own. Since there are people who would make such an arrangement.

It also proves that there are people who hope that he can achieve better results in this trial.

Therefore, we will definitely prepare some means for him in advance. Of course, the most important point is this.

Luo Yonghao wanted to know who was the mastermind behind this time, although he also saw such a result.

He is also relatively happy, after all, as long as he can gain benefits.

But Luo Yonghao is not the kind of person who can forget everything when he sees benefits. He is also a very calm person.

"In the beginning, he was indeed very excited, but then he reacted."

There is no free lunch in the world, now that he can get it, he has everything now.

That also proves that he will have to pay a certain price when the time comes, but so far, no one has come to find him.

Explain to him that this made him feel a little panicked. He didn't know who was behind the scenes.

The purpose of arranging all this, what is it, as a smart person, is never to put yourself.

"Those who are placed in dangerous situations will take all situations into their own hands."

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