Of course, this is viewed from the court's perspective. If calculated from Li Xiang's perspective, in fact, so much money was not spent at all. The warships and various weapons and equipment were all redeemed from the system. Goguryeo's points have not been used up yet, not to mention that they have increased a lot recently, so only the salaries and training funds of these soldiers are paid for by themselves, but this is not a small amount.

According to the current income of the Tang Dynasty, they can indeed afford it, but they could not even afford one-third of it back then. Even if they could afford one-third, then the Tang Dynasty would not be able to afford it in other countries. It won't work anymore.

People in this era generally look down on the navy, so they cannot throw all their money here. In the eyes of many senior officials of the Tang Dynasty, gold and iron are the most important thing. If they throw all their money on the navy, Who will train their land army?

"Your Majesty, you are serious. There is nothing you can do to be sorry or sorry. We are all soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, and everything is about the imperial court."

It was obviously a word of loyalty, but when it came out of Ding Tu's mouth, Wu King Li Ke felt it was so harsh. And looking at this guy's expression, he really didn't look like he wanted to serve the court. However, he was on someone else's territory. People can say whatever they want, and King Wu can only smile and nod.

At this embarrassing moment, Cheng Yaojin and Qin Shubao rode over from afar. You don’t have to give Cheng Yaojin face to others, but you have to give it to Cheng Yaojin. Who said that this is our prince’s father-in-law? Even if Before Li Xiang's letter arrived, all the generals got off their horses.

After seeing this scene, King Wu Li Ke's face was very dark. When he came here just now, except for Ding Tu who dismounted, the others said that they were wearing armor, so they could not dismount to see him. Why don't you talk about this now? Does it make sense?

Although he is dissatisfied, King Wu Li Ke also understands that this is their territory after all. We can only endure it until we are on the vast sea. If these people feel uncomfortable, they can just throw themselves into the sea. , there is no place to reason, so King Wu Li Ke has already made up his mind. After arriving at the sea, he must follow Cheng Yaojin. This person is quite reliable. At least these people can't throw away Li Xiang's father-in-law. Go to the sea.

"See His Highness King Wu."

After the two old generals dismounted, they saluted King Wu solemnly. Only then did Li Ge come to his senses. He still had the status of a prince. Those who were choked by these navy generals just thought that he came here to work. .

"Both uncles are exempt from the courtesy. How is your review of the Army?"

According to what Li Xiang said before, when facing Fusang, the navy and warships were the most important, and the army was ranked second. However, the King of Wu and the two old generals did not agree. In their philosophy , the cavalry charges the infantry to advance, this is what normal war should use, so after the two old generals arrived in Goguryeo, they immediately went to inspect the army barracks.

"The training is pretty good when I return to Your Highness. If we look at it in terms of combat effectiveness, it is at most about half of Chang'an's elite. These Goguryeo people should not be good at fighting. What they are best at is defense."

Qin Shubao is qualified to say this. When Li Shimin conquered Goguryeo, Qin Shubao also knew Goguryeo very well. We fought hard under their city, but if we had to fight in the wild, the Goguryeo army would not be our opponent. I can beat three of them with one.

Ding Tu watched coldly from the side. In his opinion, although these two old generals were famous, they may not be very motivated in attacking Fusang.

Li Xiang had already given them an order early, and asked them to start a simulated attack on Fuso during training. They also collected a lot of information about Fuso, and learned that more than 70% of Fuso's population was in the coastal areas. And more than 50% of the population is within the range of their artillery fire, so if you treat the infantry as the main force, you will lose half of it from the beginning.

Li Xiang's strategy was also very clear to Ding Tu. When attacking Fusang, the main force was our navy, and the infantry only played a supporting role. The naval warships surrounded the coast and bombed some big cities in Fusang. Once the area is turned into a waste area, it is estimated that Fuso's senior management will begin to give in at that time, and the infantry will just go up and reap the benefits.

But so far, no one has asked you how to attack Fusang. Whether it is the King of Wu or the two old generals, they all think that this war should be fought in the same way as before. If this is the case, we will not say anything. .

"Where did Li Xiang go?"

In this camp, King Wu is Li Xiang's uncle, so he can call Li Xiang by his first name. Cheng Yaojin also had this privilege when there were not many people, but now in front of so many people, Cheng Yaojin can't Can't say it.

"Reporting to His Highness King Wu, His Highness Taisun still has half a month to go..."

Hearing this report from his subordinates, King Wu Li Ke frowned. If Li Xiang didn't come over, a lot of work wouldn't be possible. Take the people in the navy in front of them as an example. They only recognized Li Xiang. The imperial decree of the imperial court had been read out before Xiang's transfer order. These people did not say that they would not abide by it. They just said that they needed to prepare in the near future. If they went to sea rashly, who would be responsible for the loss of the warship?

King Li Ge of Wu had already suffered a loss in Xue Yantuo, so when he heard about the losses in the war, this guy was full of cleverness. He did not want to bear such a responsibility, especially at the beginning. If Xue Yantuo had to do it again If it is a replica, then neither he nor his descendants will even think about coming back.

"Why is this brat walking so slowly? According to the speed at which he came back from the south, he should have arrived in Goguryeo long ago. If he goes at this speed, wouldn't we still have to wait half a month?"

Cheng Yaojin's loud voice came out. When this voice came out, some young generals in the team were a little unconvinced, but they were immediately stopped by the people next to them. Cheng Yaojin was not only one of the veteran generals of the imperial court, Besides, that's our prince's father-in-law. Why don't you feel dissatisfied with someone scolding his own son-in-law? If something happens, then our mistress will be offended.

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