The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1035 Vast hectares of fertile land

Around Chang'an City, let alone adding hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile farmland, even adding a few thousand acres of farmland is already a very good achievement for local officials. However, there is a lot of wasteland in Goguryeo. As long as Thanks to your efforts in mining, there is more land producing food.

Especially in the coastal plain area, it is easy to cultivate a piece of land. Originally, it was due to the lack of labor. Now there are so many captives from Goguryeo and many prisoners of war transported from other places. These people are the best. Labor force, under the supervision of immigrants from the Tang Dynasty, these people work from five in the morning to eight in the evening.

Although it was a little more difficult, compared to the rebels, at least they still had enough to eat and drink every day, and of course they were only in a state where they were not hungry.

"Your Majesty, you are a king from Chang'an. Please save us. Aren't you a king from the Kingdom of Heaven? How can you treat us like this? This is from the Kingdom of Heaven..."

What Mr. Fang didn't expect was that just after he arrived in the field, a Goguryeo slave came over to complain. But before the guy could finish his words, Mr. Fang's guard next to him raised his sword and gave it to this guy. It came as a real relief.

Killing people in front of the prince must be understood in Chang'an. Otherwise, no one would dare to use the knife. But this is Goguryeo, and the guard said it very clearly. Who knows what this guy is doing here? If His Highness is injured, our entire battalion will die here without even knowing it.

"Wang Laoliu, what did you do, you bastard?"

The immigrants from the Tang Dynasty who were in the fields were also startled. Hearing the official calling his name, this guy was so frightened that he ran over. He wanted to show off in front of His Highness and let His Highness see what he had trained. There were more than a dozen slaves, but who knew someone would dare to file a complaint? This frightened him.

"Your Highness, forgive me. Your Highness, forgive me. I didn't know these bastards were so courageous. I had already told them to keep their heads down and work. If they don't let them raise their heads, I will beat these bastards to death today." Egg."

The old man was so frightened that he kept kowtowing to King Wu. If something like this happened, let alone a standard demonstration household, even an ordinary farmer would do better than him.

After all, the King of Wu was a man who had been on the battlefield. Although he saw the snow just now, he quickly regained his composure. If he were to say anything about King Li Tai of Wei, he would probably lose the court here.

"Old man, you don't have to be like this. Just get up. This is the original territory of Goguryeo, so it is normal for things like this to happen. You don't need to take it to heart. I am not someone who has never seen blood."

Hearing what King Wu Li Ke said, the people under him breathed a sigh of relief. If King Wu pursues this matter, they may not be able to get away with it. This is indeed a mistake in their work, even if Li Xiang is here. , then they must be held accountable.

Just as King Wu was talking, another slave in the field was also dragged away. This person is the woman of the person just now, so if your man commits a crime, you will also lose the opportunity to work here. Although this job in the farmland only has three cornbreads a day, at least it allows you to see the sky and the sun. But if you are disobedient, you will be thrown into the Navy's maintenance team.

Today's naval warships are all made of wood and are likely to be damaged outside, so you guys just stay in the water.

Of course, Li Xiang is not a cruel person. He only lets them stay in the water when punishing them. After enough punishment, he will let them come ashore, otherwise they will be soaked in a few days.

The woman who was dragged away also yelled, but King Wu knew that this was the local rule. Since your man broke the rules, no one can be kind. What if the man just came here to assassinate her? Well, I might not even be able to save my head.

"How long has the old man been here?"

King Wu squatted in the field and looked at the Goguryeo slaves who were working, and he admired Li Xiang deeply.

At that time, many people came up to massacre the city and avenge the sacrifice of the Tang Dynasty soldiers, but Li Xiang persuaded them all. If these people were killed, who would make money for us? Of course, they would drain them dry The last bit of labor they have is the biggest punishment for them.

"Returning to Your Highness, I have been here for two years. When I first came here, there was a wasteland all around. The court gave me this hundred acres of land. I didn't know where to start. , fortunately, they gave me twelve slaves one after another, which are much more exciting than oxen and horses..."


Seeing that this guy was getting more and more outrageous, the official next to him could only give a little reminder, and the old farmer immediately stopped talking. Why didn't he stop talking? What we say in the fields is also told to His Highness. Your Highness is a gentleman, but he is a scholar. How can he listen to us?

"This is called Goguryeo helper..."

After hearing this word from the old man's mouth, King Wu Li Ke also laughed. That guy Li Xiang is really interesting. He clearly uses people as cattle and horses, but he takes the name of a helper, which is indeed much nicer than a slave.

"Every household of yours has slaves like this, no, helpers?"

King Wu Li Ke also had to follow the local customs. He knew earlier that these people were slaves, but now that they have a new name, and they are more civilized than slaves, then we who want to be princes have to follow suit, and we accept the new name. The ability of things is stronger than these ordinary people.

"When I first came here, there were ten people in the family. Later, more and more people committed crimes. Those who should be killed were killed and those who should be thrown away, so there were only seven or eight people in the family left. Later, another group was captured from the mountains and you were taken away. The younger one now has a total of twelve people in his family, eight of whom are men and four are women. The men are really good at work, but the women are just..."

Seeing that this guy was no longer talking about the door, the manager next to him could only cough again, and the old man stopped immediately, otherwise he would have to tell all about the foot wraps and the like.

King Wu Li Ke smiled and waved his hand. This guy had lived in the palace for a long time and had never chatted with the people outside. He didn't expect that chatting with the people was such an interesting thing. No wonder Li Chengqian said that Li Xiang often did such things. , only by getting close to the people can you know what they need most and be loved by them.

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