When Ichiro Watanabe came back, he saw the supplies on the dock at first sight. This place was so conspicuous. As long as he returned to the dock from the mainland, this would definitely be the first thing he saw.

"Isn't there something wrong with General Ding? Although I have surrendered to the Tang Dynasty on behalf of all the troops, our local people are strong and strong. Many people make a living at sea. They all hang their heads on their belts. Usually, Just robberies all the time, if you see this..."

This can also be regarded as a small test for Ichiro Watanabe. If he doesn't say anything, then Ding Tu will naturally lower his trust by a notch. Seeing this guy working so hard, the corners of Ding Tu's mouth are also slightly raised. , it seems that this guy is not pretending to surrender, but really wants to fall into the arms of Datang.

In fact, for today's Fusang, the common people only hear a name for Datang.

But these officials are different. They have seen many works of the Tang Dynasty and understand the current life of the Tang Dynasty, so they are extremely yearning for the Tang Dynasty. Moreover, their nation is like this, they have always been afraid of the Tang Dynasty. To the strong.

At the beginning, Ichiro Watanabe might have felt uncomfortable, and he even thought about how to resist and get back everything that belonged to him, but when he went back to get various materials, he thought about it a hundred times. , finally decided to follow the Tang Dynasty. Look at the huge fleet on the sea, and look at the mighty bodies of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. This is definitely not something that a small Fusang can resist. As long as we surrender first, then we will be better than The bureaucrats behind are much stronger, and this position may get better and better in the future.

If you continue to resist, the final result will be to be eliminated, and the major names in Fuso are also in a competitive relationship. Don't expect others to remember you. If you lose, it will only be your own life. The so-called person who knows the current affairs is a hero. For the sake of a better life in the future, there is nothing wrong with following Datang.

"When fishing, you have to throw out some bait. If you can't even give up the bait, how are you going to catch the fish?"

Ding Tu turned his body sideways, and Ichiro Watanabe was shocked. It turned out that there was a shelter behind the house, and behind the shelter were a large number of Tang soldiers. If someone really has this idea, then I'm afraid what will happen to you? The dead ones don’t even know.

"The general is wise and I admire you greatly. Please rest assured, general, I will also lead the local soldiers to assist."

Ichiro Watanabe waved his hand, and hundreds of his soldiers hurriedly hid beside him. This is the time for you to show your loyalty. If your people are reluctant to use them, how can they exchange for their high-ranking officials and generous salaries in the future? ? What's more, it's just a few human lives. If they die, they will die. Anyway, there are many people in Fusang. They can just look for them when the time comes. As long as their official status can be promoted higher and higher, these people will die well.

Tinto is very satisfied with Ichiro Watanabe's performance. He was originally thinking about how to mobilize his troops to prevent this kid from becoming big in the future. Unexpectedly, he understood very well that it is safest to have no military power in his hands. .

The sky is slowly darkening, and this is the best time to take action. In the early morning, our follow-up fleet will arrive, so there is not much time left for Ding Tu and the others.

Just when everyone started to take a nap, there was indeed a sound in the distance. Watanabe Ichiro and Tinto were both energetic. We are all ready here, but we are afraid that you people won't come.

"From Zuobiao Camp..."

Ichiro Watanabe could tell at a glance that these people were the soldiers who had surrendered during the day. Because he didn't have much contact with them in normal times, and they were stationed in relatively remote areas, Watanabe Iran didn't take it to heart. , I didn’t expect that they turned out to be the main force of the resistance.

"Are you familiar with them?"

After hearing this, Ding Tu's face became even happier. What we fear most is the enemy who doesn't understand anything. Then we may suffer some losses. If we know ourselves and the enemy, we will be victorious in every battle.

"Returning to the general, this army is stationed in the northwest of the local area. There are about more than 700 people, but I estimate that it is only more than 400 people now. There are still some people who will definitely not follow them. Even if they come, He was also held hostage by them, and the weapons are so old that they can hardly be used."

Ichiro Watanabe knows your usefulness, otherwise why would anyone bring you? This is the time for you to use yourself. If you don’t let the generals of the Tang Dynasty see your usefulness, who will be able to wait until the prince comes tomorrow? What kind of words would you say to yourself?

A smile appeared on Tin Tu's face, but this time he thought clearly and let Ichiro Watanabe's army be used as cannon fodder. You Fuso people just have to fight each other for a while. If you can't fight, then we will send more people up.

"Subordinates, go up and capture them."

Watanabe Ichiro imitated the behavior of Tang Dynasty soldiers and knelt in front of Ding Tou.

"That's fine. If you want to be promoted quickly in the future, you must have merit in your hands. This can also be regarded as a certificate of fame for you."

Ding Tu said with a deliberately embarrassed look on his face. Watanabe Ichiro also felt that it was not a small matter. Maybe Ding Tu also wanted to get fifteen credits. Now that they have given this credit to us, this is indeed a big favor.

The soldiers in the distance rushed closer and closer. The number of torches was about a thousand, but soon many people gathered from other places. It seemed that there were many local people who wanted to resist the Tang Dynasty, but after tonight , the main force of the resistance army will definitely be wiped out, including their families, will become slaves of our Datang, and the rest will be some centrists and people who dare not resist.

"Drive the Tang people into the sea..."

At the beginning, the rebels were overwhelmingly strong. The Tang army had already received the order and did not offer any resistance to them at the entrance of the pier. Instead, after shooting more than a dozen rebels, they immediately led their own people to the pier. Later, they retreated, which greatly boosted the morale of these people.

According to their idea, they wanted to hide in the deep mountains and old forests, and then continue to struggle with the Tang army. However, after entering, there was a lot of food and drink. The local warehouses had been emptied, and there were not many reserves. After all, Fuso It is a poor country, so they focused on the supplies on the dock.

As long as we can grab this batch of supplies, we will be able to settle down after entering the mountains. Whether we hide inside or come out to attack, we will feel confident. But are Datang's supplies so easy to grab?

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