The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1049 The Tang Army outside the village

"General, don't worry, my subordinates understand what you said. We will pick them up one by one and determine their identities. We are all locals and know where their homes are. We will definitely be able to find their homes before dawn tomorrow." The person was arrested.”

Ichiro Watanabe has already regarded himself as a Tang Dynasty person, and he is even angrier than Ding Tu at the moment. These people dare to sneak attack our Tang Dynasty's supplies, so their whole family must look good, otherwise these bastards will not Keep a long memory, similar things will happen in the future.

"Everything is subject to Mr. Watanabe's instructions. I will immediately have my men assemble to cooperate with you."

Hearing Ding Tu call himself Lord Watanabe, Ichiro Watanabe was really a little excited. You must know that he is a general of the Tang Dynasty. In the entire Fuso territory, the people of the Tang Dynasty are expected to be superior to others, let alone those of the Tang Dynasty. General.

After Ding Tu finished speaking, he immediately gave Ding Yongqiang and Li Jingren a look and asked them to lead people to carry out the execution. At the same time, the meaning was very obvious. After leaving the dock, this is the hinterland of Nagasaki. Apart from arresting people, you two In addition, we need to figure out the surrounding area and place our people in some dangerous places. In the final analysis, these Fuso people are still unreliable, and Watanabe Iran cannot completely trust them.

This will be the temporary residence of the Dongyi Protectorate from now on, so everything around must be controlled. Firstly, to ensure the safety of personnel, and secondly, to ensure the smooth flow of transportation channels, so all Fuso people must be Residential surveillance is the only option, otherwise we won't be able to sleep at night, and who knows if we will wake up with our heads in different places.

More than 2,000 Datang soldiers, with the cooperation of more than 2,000 Fuso soldiers, began a search of the entire Nagasaki.

Many people had their doors kicked in while they were sleeping. Some people were far away from the beach and didn't know what happened at the beach. They only knew that a group of people ran from there, but they thought it had nothing to do with them. After all, it is already far away from the seaside, and most people's activities in this life are only around the village.

Unexpectedly, they were implicated that night. According to the village chief, the people who were taken away just now were the family members of soldiers from the Zuobiao Battalion. They were rebelling, so they were all taken away. After leaving, the remaining people must stay in the village and cannot move around. There are also soldiers stationed on the road outside the village entrance. If you go there rashly, you will be treated as a rioter.

Although the people here are tough, they have never seen anything like this before, and many of their armors are different from those here. It is said that they are all from the army of the Tang Dynasty.

"Village chief, why did Datang's army come to our place?"

"Did Miyamoto and the others go to the coast of the Tang Dynasty to rob, and were discovered by the Tang army?"

The villagers were talking about this matter. Miyamoto's family members were all taken away just now. The guy just went to the Tang Dynasty to rob, and then made his home very beautiful, but the second time he went He didn't come back when he was there, and he probably died in the sea. Should he be held accountable for this?

"Stop asking random questions and go back to your home. Don't let anyone come out now. If I don't call you after dawn, just stay at home. If anyone dares to come out and be killed, Then don’t blame me for not telling you, there are troops all around us.”

The village chief didn't know how to explain this matter. After all, the people from the local government didn't tell him just now. They just asked him to stabilize the people in the village and wait for the next step. No one can leave the village, and They can't gather to make trouble either. The village chief's son was even taken away.

After listening to the village chief's words, all the people had a look of fear on their faces, but they did not dare to go out and ask what was going on. There were already lights on the road in the distance. You must know that in Fusang, a poor country, In this place, most people's homes are dark at night. Except for a little fire that can be produced for cooking, others are reluctant to light a lamp.

"Don't gather here anymore. If we are regarded as rioters gathering to make trouble, there will be no place to cry. Go back to your home and we will talk about it at dawn tomorrow."

The village chief saw that there were more and more people here. If he thought this place was a gathering place to make trouble, wouldn't his son be miserable? Before leaving, the soldiers made it very clear that if there was trouble in any village, the son of the village chief would be beheaded.

After hearing what the village chief said, these guys were so frightened that they hurried home. A dozen people were arrested in the whole village tonight, but if you analyze it carefully, you can see that there is something wrong with these dozen people.

Some of them have been pirates and have also been to the coast of Goguryeo, where they robbed a lot of things. Others have family members who are in the Zuobiao Camp. It is said that the Zuobiao Camp has been declared a rebel, and the government is arresting the rebels. They have heard about this before. It seems that as long as we are obedient, this will never happen to us.

When daylight was about to break, the follow-up fleet also arrived at Fuso Nagasaki. When Wu King Li Ke saw the big flag on the pier, he immediately knew that it had been captured.

It would definitely be no problem to take it down according to his original idea, but it would take at least a few days. Unexpectedly, it took only one day to take it down. According to Ding Tu's report, in addition to taking down this place, the surrounding areas It has almost been cleared, but we still hope that the prince and the two old generals can stay near the dock. This is where our military strength is strongest.

"I really didn't expect that I would land on the land of Fusang so easily. He looks no different from me in the Tang Dynasty."

On the dock in Fusang, King Wu Li Ke said with some surprise that not only did he feel this way, but Cheng Yaojin and Qin Shubao also felt the same way. Although they were both top people in the Tang Dynasty, no one had ever gone to sea. , the three of them are considered the first batch.

For those in the navy, this is not much new. They have been to Fuso more than once, and of course they were all on reconnaissance missions. If they encounter an uninhabited island, they will also go there to investigate. Ichiban, so these people were not too surprised to have set foot on the soil of another country.

"Returning to the prince, there is still a difference. They are far worse than my people in the Tang Dynasty."

Ding Tu looked at the group of prisoners in the distance with some contempt. These were all people captured from various villages...

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