Suzuki is very aware of the current situation. If Li Jingren goes out from here, it will probably be more difficult to start negotiations again, so the first meeting must have some results. What he just knew is just some information for the negotiation. If If Datang is allowed to find justice on its own, then various places in Fuso will soon be attacked.

"Sir Suzuki has already said that this matter has nothing to do with your central court. It was all done by local officials. If this is the case, then we will use the evidence in our hands to start arresting people, whether they are local or nearby. , as long as the evidence is conclusive, we will give your court a share, and at the same time we will arrest people ourselves."

Li Jingren said expressionlessly, what Suzuki fears most is that they arrest people by themselves. If you arrest people by yourself, can the entire Kyushu Island still exist? Maybe this will become a place for your Tang Dynasty. Suzuki had already seen it when he came here. The entire Kyushu Island army does not exceed 20,000 people. They are no match for the Tang army.

Moreover, they are scattered in the hands of several people. These people usually fight to the death. Even if the Tang army comes, I am afraid they will not be able to unite. It will only take two months at most. These people will probably be defeated. When the time comes, you want to take out this piece of meat from the mouth of the large intestine. Suzuki thinks that he does not have such ability. Not only does he not have such ability, but no one in the entire Fuso has such ability.

"General Li, although our court does not know about this matter, the evidence is now conclusive and we admit it. General Li, you have come all the way. Why don't you hand this matter over to our Fuso court? We will definitely let you satisfied."

In desperation, this guy could only choose to cut off his wrist. If he wanted to let the Tang army leave without any losses, it would be impossible. Now if they were allowed to stay in this place, they would not continue. Expansion is also a victory in negotiations.

"Sir Suzuki, can you make the decision? The people we want to arrest are not just a few. You may have seen the dead people outside. They are more or less connected with pirates. There are several mansions around you. Yes, if we list the list, can you all guarantee that the person will be handed over to us?"

Li Jingren was happy at this time. He had never seen a court like this. In times of crisis, instead of protecting its own citizens, it would instead send these people to the knife of its opponents and use their heads to keep the peace of one party.

"Please rest assured, General Li. This matter is the fault of our Fusang court. We will definitely bring all these people to justice and then hand them over to the hands of the Tang army. However, while we are working on this matter, please The Tang army should not take too many actions for the time being, as this will cause more conflicts between the two countries."

Suzuki's fox tail is finally exposed. Although it is said more euphemistically, it boils down to one sentence, that is, your Datang army stays in Nagasaki Port and must not go to other places. If you have any requests, we will can be satisfied.

"We are not here to fight. As long as Mr. Suzuki can ensure that all the people on the list are arrested, of course we have no evidence for some of them. We can only have evidence after interrogation. If we have no evidence, we will We won’t kill people at will, and you can even watch from the side during the interrogation process.”

Li Jingren took out a list from the side. The names on it were densely packed, and they were all learned from the mouths of those pirates. Suzuki felt his scalp numb. If he brought all these people, he didn't know what to do. No matter how many people are offended, there may be internal unrest.

However, compared with the internal conflicts of the naval warships outside, it can still be solved. If you don't hand over the people, then they may have to arrest them themselves. Then the trouble will be even greater, and the land will be owned by the Tang Dynasty Navy. Mouth, do you still expect to get it back easily?

"Please rest assured, General Li. After getting this list, I immediately ordered local officials in various places to arrest people and try to send these people over in the shortest possible time. However, during this period, I also hope that General Li can strictly restrain My subordinates will not have any impact on the people around me."

After Suzuki took the list, he acted like he was going to do something, but Li Jingren was not a fool. Do you think this matter can be over with just a few words? What we want is your entire territorial negotiation to weaken you. If it weren't for the fact that our follow-up troops haven't arrived yet, we wouldn't have the time to negotiate with you.

"All of these people are on Kyushu Island. They are no more than a few hundred miles away from here. They can only take fifteen days at most. If it exceeds these fifteen days, I can't guarantee what my soldiers will do. Many people live in coastal areas, and there may be blood feuds between them.”

Li Jingren gave a time limit. Fifteen days was too tight. You must know that there are no express roads in Fuso now, and the inland areas are all mountainous. Fifteen days are too much for them. Dead.

"Sir Suzuki, don't say any more. There will be no delay in the time I mentioned. If Suzuki-sama accepts it, then there will only be fifteen days. But if you don't accept it, then we will go on our own." We’ve arrested people, and our army’s daily cost of stationing here is twenty-five thousand guan, and this money should be paid by your Fuso court.”

Suzuki was already a little dizzy from the previous words. After listening to the following words, this guy didn't know what to say even more. Why should we bear the cost of your garrison? And this amount of money is not a small amount. This is not your Tang Dynasty. Fuso's annual fiscal revenue is only two million yuan. If we have to pay your expenses, we will spend 1% of our treasury revenue every day.

"I'm afraid this won't work. This matter is of huge concern, and I really can't make the decision now."

Suzuki shook his head and said, their emperor is a greedy guy. If he is asked to spend so much money every day, Suzuki will definitely be chopped off after he goes back. You must know that their emperor can only see the money coming in. , cannot see the payment.

"In that case, let's go find the money ourselves without bothering Mr. Suzuki..."

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