"Everyone listen up. In the next period of time, everyone must stay at home. If someone dares to come out, then don't blame us for being rude to him. As for When can you come out? Follow our notice. From now on, no one is allowed to take a step outside their own house. If there are any violators..."

In less than two sticks of incense, dozens of people in the city started shouting. Fusang's city area is not small, especially in coastal cities. A large number of people are squeezed into such a small area, so just find someone to shout a few times. Well, even if you put the notice on the wall, not many people will be literate.

There were not many people who could read in the Tang Dynasty, let alone a small place like Fusang, so relying on shouting was the best way.

"You bastards, they are obviously here to steal our money. Are you letting us stay at home just to prevent us from resisting?"

A strong man said very angrily. His wife was pulling him hard from behind, but he ran back from Nagasaki, so he naturally knew what was going on there. He also knew that if he obeyed the orders from above, he would probably There won't even be a chance to stand up next, so now he has to resist.

This guy has a smart mind. He knows that after everyone goes home, even if he shouts until his throat is broken, no one will come out. At that time, there were Tang troops on the streets, and anyone who came out would be killed. Now the streets There are so many people on the ground. As long as everyone resists together, it will definitely cause a lot of damage to Datang's army. Anyway, it will be a dead end in the end, so resist more while you have the strength. It is better than It's better to die for no reason.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh…

The Fuso soldiers next to him just wanted to give him two slaps, but unfortunately these people had no chance. Behind the Fuso soldiers, the Tang navy soldiers had already landed. They controlled the serial crossbows in their hands and slapped him directly. This guy has four spots on his body.


This man's wife was frightened. Her husband was the strongest person nearby, but when facing the Tang army, he didn't even say the last word. The people around him became even more frightened. Don't look at him. People who say that they are very powerful are actually bragging. If they meet a real army, these people are simply not enough.

"Run quickly, it's really killing someone."

"Go home, go home."

There were still some people waiting and watching, but when they saw people wearing armor coming from a distance, they knew that these people were the Tang army. Because Fusang was relatively poor, the soldiers did not have armor. These people killed without blinking an eye. Of course, this was all It was said by someone who ran back from Nagasaki.

Seeing their compatriots lying in a pool of blood, these Fuso warriors were still a little sad. They originally thought of going over and giving him a beating so that the matter would be over and not kill him, but these people from the Tang Dynasty took action. Very cruel.

"You've all seen it. If you encounter such a long-mouthed person again, don't wait for them to finish speaking and go up and kick them over. This can be regarded as saving their lives, but such people are not worthy of pity. Hurry up Go to work."

Fujii Jiro said in a low voice. After the surrounding soldiers heard it, they immediately put away the sadness on their faces. They are all affiliated soldiers of the Tang Dynasty now. If they show sadness on their faces, it may attract the attention of the Tang Dynasty personnel. If those people are dissatisfied, then our life will be over.

In about one stick of incense, all the shops on the street were closed, and the people also ran to their homes. Among them, the couple were the most afraid. They started digging holes in their homes, preparing to buy some valuable things. Get up, but in such a short period of time, it is impossible for you to bury it.

"Our General Li said before that Fuso must pay for the daily occupation expenses, but Suzuki-sama cannot be the master, so let's start helping. You lead the people from left to right, and I will lead the people from From right to left, we conduct house-to-house searches, and people from both sides are mixed together. If anyone in the middle dares to enrich himself, then don't blame me for not recognizing people."

Ding Tu looked at Watanabe next to him. This guy was nodding his head like a chicken eating rice. Although he also wanted to get rich, he also knew that some money could be taken and some money could not be taken. As long as you are honest If you serve the Tang army, you will definitely not be treated badly in the end, and you will be able to live a good life, but if you enrich your own pockets, this sense of security will be gone.

All those who were found to dare to hide money privately, whether they were generals or soldiers, were thrown directly into the sea. As for whether they can survive, it can only depend on God's will. As long as they continue to hang out with the Tang Dynasty, will they be able to survive in the future? Are you still afraid of running out of money? Now that they are interested in this little money, I can only say that those people are short-sighted.

There are many rich people here in Fukuoka, who are very famous throughout Fuso, so when they start fighting and robbing women, the big cars they prepared soon are not enough. The people here don’t have much money at home. All concentrated in the hands of the rich and bureaucrats.

Of course, apart from gold and silverware, other things are not very valuable. For example, some of the paintings and calligraphy they are pursuing are just a pile of rubbish in our opinion, so there is no need to pack such things into boxes and just put them in boxes. Just leave it to them, let them retain their so-called culture.

Throughout the night, the whole city was filled with howls of ghosts and ghosts, and every household was living in fear. They didn't know when someone would come and knock on the door, but as long as someone kicked the door open, it meant that your home It is of sufficient value. Of course, it was all sold by your own people. If there were no Fuso people to lead the way, how would we know whose family is the richest?

Some people's houses are in good repair, but they can't dig out much money after entering. They are obviously the kind of face-saving people. But some people's living environment is not very good, but after entering, they find a lot of gold and silver. This is That kind of doer.

In the view of King Wu Li Ke, this kind of behavior damages the prestige of the Tang Dynasty, so this guy simply won't enter the city. After you have done all the work, we will enter the city again. If we go in now, I really don't know. How should we face the people of Fusang? If someone asked, didn't your Tang Dynasty rule the world with benevolence and righteousness? So how should Wu King Li Ke answer?

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