Because there were still many rebels nearby, the Fuso court also mentioned this matter intentionally or unintentionally when the two sides were negotiating. Li Xiang also began to implement the bloody suppression policy after listening to the reports from his subordinates. Suppress the signs of these resistance forces, otherwise similar things will happen in other places in the future.

On the surface, we have occupied Fukuoka and Nagasaki, but if someone comes to sneak attack us every night, no matter what we do, we have to worry about whether someone is watching us secretly, then everything we do will be half the result with half the effort.

So under Li Xiang's order, the rich and bad guys had been looted before the whole city started a new round of arrests. The lives of ordinary people were not greatly affected, except for their personal belongings. The land and property have been confiscated. If you want to farm in the future, you will have to pay part of the tax and land rent. The remaining food is only enough for you to live on, and you must eat coarse grains.

Why did Li Xiang do this? Just because he is a person from the 21st century, what the Fusang people did to us must be repaid to you ten times and a hundred times. Although the Fusang people of this era have not done anything bad to the Tang Dynasty, I'm not sure you will do it in the future. Anyway, you are all of the same species. It makes sense to atone for the sins of people in other times. Anyway, Li Xiang feels that he can live with it if he does bad things to you people.

"Why do you want to arrest me again, Master Jun? I gave you all my family's money and land."

On the streets of Fukuoka, an old man in his fifties said with some fear that he was originally considered to be above the local middle class, but after being visited twice by people from the Tang Dynasty, his family only had a few shabby houses left. Three or four people live in this dilapidated house, so now he thinks it should be fine. People from the Tang Dynasty specially greet those rich people. We are so poor now, are we still favored by people from the Tang Dynasty?

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Where did your two sons go? If you don't know, then I will answer you. They attacked our port last night and caused us a lot of losses. So you have to pay for this, and the three remaining people in your family, all come out now."

Under the oppression of two Tang soldiers and ten Fuso warriors, everyone at home came out tremblingly. Seeing the anger on the faces of the Tang soldiers, they knew that this matter must not be hidden.

The old man felt a little regretful at the moment. After Datang took away his money, he felt a little uncomfortable, so when the resistance organization came to him, he immediately pushed his two sons over and let them If you follow these rebels up the mountain, you must make Datang pay for your blood debt.

And the old man is not idle either. Although his family's property has been taken away, he still has a place to store food, which contains several thousand kilograms of grain. The old man himself does not eat a kilogram of grain. All of them were given to the resistance army. The resistance army still has the strength to do such a thing. This old man has indeed contributed a lot, so if he doesn't arrest you, who will he arrest?

"Where are you taking us to? You have posted notices to calm the people two days ago. As long as we abide by your rules, we cannot be persecuted at will. Are they all fake? There is also the name of the Prince of Tang Dynasty on it. Woolen cloth?"

The old man is also a man. He knows that if he is taken away, it will probably be impossible to come back, so while there are more people on the street, he has to make a fuss about this matter. Only by causing social turmoil response, then it is possible to save one's life.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty had long known what he was thinking. Seeing more and more people gathering around him, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty went up and slapped him twice. It can be said that these two slaps were real and did not save any effort. The old man was bleeding. When the foam was spat out, the surrounding Fusang people also looked at it, with a lot of dissatisfaction in their eyes. Obviously what the old man said was right, how could you hit people casually?

"I know what you are thinking. You think that our Tang army has done something wrong. Now I will let you know whether we have done something wrong. Come and identify the nearby neighbors. Are these two his sons? His son is They haven't appeared for a long time. Now I can tell you that they have gone up to the mountains to become rebels. In our Datang creed, we only protect the safety of all good people and will never protect the safety of the families of these rebels. , so you don’t need to worry, as long as there are no rebels in your home, we will never come to your door. If there are rebels, you can also stand up and sever ties with your rebel family members."

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty said loudly. Some of the people around came up to identify them. Sure enough, they were the old man's two sons. Everyone was still wondering at ordinary times. His two sons were very filial and could not bear to let their father go. Do a little work, but why don't you show up now? It turned out that he went to the mountains to become a rebel.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty pressed one hand on the hilt of their swords and supported the old man with the other. The people around them all stepped back. Although they still had some words in their hearts, they couldn't express themselves in this situation. The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were justified in arresting people. You have integrity, who asked your son to become a rebel?

"This has nothing to do with me. These two unfilial sons went there on their own. I don't know what they did. Sir, you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately. I support the rule of the Tang Dynasty."

As soon as the old man saw that he couldn't defend himself, he immediately began to change the direction of the wind. He could never be dragged away in front of everyone's eyes at this time. If he was dragged away in front of everyone's eyes, he would probably not even have a chance to speak. As long as it was If you can grasp a life-saving straw, you must hold on tightly and never let go.

"You really won't shed tears until you see the coffin. Then I'll make you understand. Call me who was on duty last night."

According to Li Xiang's order, the entire city has now settled down. There must be evidence to arrest people. If there is no evidence, no army or organization can mess around, so they are also well prepared. And we have prepared a plan in advance. No matter what tricks this old man plays, he will definitely be able to take you away today.

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