"Your Excellency General, I believe that in addition to Kyushu Island, we have higher-level pursuits. The first is to control their court. There are many important cities in the entire Fuso territory. We can ask for local Station a group of officials and troops to monitor pirates throughout Fuso..."

When Mr. Watanabe said this, Fujii Jiro was dumbfounded beside him, and Li Jingren was also dumbfounded. You are such an outstanding guy, you can even express such an idea.

If Li Xiang were here, he would definitely applaud this guy and torture him severely. Ask him if this guy also traveled through the 21st century like Li Xiang. Otherwise, how would you do it? Do you know such an advanced method?

"Besides that, it's about Fusang's foreign trade. We can also use the term pirates to control part of their foreign trade. This will control the entire Fusang's economy. Fusang's economy is different from that of the Tang Dynasty. It tends to be weak. As long as If you control a few foreign trade ports, you can basically control them all..."

After receiving encouragement from Li Jingren, Watanabe began to talk at length. Fujii Jiro felt more and more that the gap between him and Watanabe was not even the slightest bit.

Li Jingren was already clapping his hands. These terms had not been written in yet. Unexpectedly, Watanabe had already thought about it in advance. If we negotiate according to these terms, maybe we can really defeat others without fighting. It just takes about two years.

It took nearly half an hour for Watanabe to finally say everything he was thinking. In fact, Watanabe had a disobedient heart for a long time, but he didn't have the ability at the time and could only be honest. He could serve as a local official in the Fuso court, and he didn't dare to expose his ambitions, otherwise it would be a disaster for the family.

Now Datang just needs it, so let’s just tell you our plan. Anyway, we have no chance to implement it. Datang still has enough opportunities.

After a stick of incense, Watanabe finally met Li Xiang, who can be said to be the first person among all Fuso people. Based on the plans he proposed, Li Xiang did have to meet him once.

When kowtowing to Li Xiang, Watanabe was so moved that he almost shed tears. This was the third most powerful figure in the Tang Dynasty, the future emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He was much nobler than the Emperor of Fuso. He was rich all over the world, and his fingers were The crack in the head is stretched a little, which is much richer than Fusang.

"Get up."

Looking at Watanabe who was crying with runny nose in front of him, Li Xiang really didn't know that he had such a relative in Fuso. The reason why he met this guy was because many of the terms proposed by this guy made Li Xiang feel strange. I want to see if this guy came from time travel.

"Thank you, Your Highness, thank you, Your Highness..."

Where does Watanabe still have the style of a local official? Now he is like a puppy in Li Xiang's house. He threw a bone casually and is now wagging his tail to please his master...

"Did you come up with all these terms yourself?"

When Li Xiang saw these terms, he immediately asked Li Jingren to bring Watanabe over. Many of the terms above were really quite creative.

Of course, this idea is only in this day and age. If it were placed in the 21st century, children who have finished primary school would probably be able to understand it. For example, special areas should be opened in the capital of Fuso and other important cities for the Tang Dynasty. personnel residence.

Isn’t this the future embassy district and concession?

Li Xiang came back from rebirth, determined to be a global colonizer and bring the whole world into the territory of the Tang Dynasty. Unexpectedly, this guy is indeed a good helper. Although he is a Fusang man, as long as he can help us realize our wishes, then we will eat Isn’t the meat enough to make people lick the bones?

"Just some humble opinions of a villain."

Watanabe said very modestly.

"There are many areas that still need to be improved. I have made some modifications. Do you think there is anything else to add?"

Li Xiang knows that to convince such a person, in addition to having enough force, you must also let him know that there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world.

When Watanabe picked up these terms again, he saw that many of them had been improved. They were indeed much better than the requirements he had put forward. For example, in terms of controlling foreign trade, he could sign an agreement with Fuso and let Fuso Indemnity, of course Fusang cannot come up with this amount, so we have to lend them part of it first, for example, let the private people of Tang Dynasty borrow money, and then use Fusang's various taxes as a guarantee to send serious officials to supervise .

Of course, when Li Xiang made the modification, he also wanted to generate income for his Zhidaobao. If he wanted to compensate Datang for 10 million yuan, then Zhidaobao would be responsible for the loan to Fusang, but it would need to be repaid with Fusang's various taxes, and The interest is not low, and the money may double or triple in a few years. This means that Fusang has been working for Zhi Da Bao in the past few years.

After Mr. Watanabe read the above terms, he was shocked in his heart. His Highness is indeed a generous person. If we do what His Highness said, Fuso will really not be able to live a deep life in the future. After the compensation is paid, there will still be various interests arising from this compensation. When can the interest paid off be repaid?

What's more, by the time the Tang army and merchants penetrated into Fusang's market, the entire Fusang economy had been kidnapped by the Tang Dynasty. Under the dual pressure of military and economic pressure, all walks of life in Fusang had already lost their former vigor. Even if some people thought If you want to resist, aren't there people like Watanabe and Fujii Jiro? They are specifically responsible for dealing with those who want to resist.

"Your Highness really impresses us. He can do better than us specialized personnel on such a small matter. Under the leadership of His Highness, Datang will definitely be able to achieve greater glory."

Everything Watanabe said is true. Some of his own terms are good, but they always feel like robbery. But these terms of Li Xiang are much better. We lend you money and you pay back. And asking you to pay some interest, isn't this a natural thing?

"Master Li is the negotiator and you are the deputy negotiator. This matter will be left to you two."

Li Xiang concluded the matter, and Watanabe won the first victory in the competition.

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