Some court officials in Fuso were also frightened by this scene. Although the turmoil was quickly suppressed, the cost was definitely something they did not expect. They still wanted to imprison some of them and then shock the people, but that was not the case. I thought that I would shoot them all without even a chance to be imprisoned.

"Mr. Suzuki, please arrange for some people to dispose of these corpses. Try not to throw them all offshore. We have prepared several large ships. After transporting these corpses to the ships, we will throw them all into the deep sea."

The conclusion drawn from Fukuoka and Nagasaki is that if these corpses are thrown offshore, this strange smell may envelope the city for a long time, and this will be the center of the entire Fuso in the future. It cannot be The whole city was in chaos.

"Please don't worry, General Ding. I'll do it now."

When Fujii Jiro did this, Mr. Suzuki felt very ashamed and wanted to grab Fujii Jiro's neck and scold him. But now he didn't expect that he would also start doing this, and more people would die this time. How can the capital be much larger in area and population than Fukuoka?

The matter that left them helpless was solved in less than four hours by Ding Jiayong. Of course, the mess left after the solution was very uncomfortable, and the cost of the solution was also too high, but there was no mercy on Ding Jiayong's face. They didn't dare to say anything else. Do you want to die in front of such a person?

Some officials of the Fuso court were also very angry, but looking at the burly figures of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty next to them, they swallowed their words. Although many people wanted to leave a good reputation, in this situation Come on, you need to trade your life for such a good reputation.

And these officials all know that history is written by the victors. Now the people of the Tang Dynasty are the victors. Even if you lose your life for Fusang, will anyone remember you in the future? Surely no one knows what you do.

The Emperor of Fuso has been standing on the bow of the ship for an hour, and everyone around him is standing beside him tremblingly. He regrets it very much now. If he had known that this would be the outcome, he would never have chosen to agree to Datang's proposal. At that time, he would lead others to resist. Wouldn't this be the worst outcome?

It's a pity that he has no way to resist. The army in the capital has been lost, and there is no way to gather it. Even if it can be gathered, the people's hearts have been scattered, and no one will continue to unite around the emperor. Fight against the Tang Dynasty.

What's more, after experiencing this incident, everyone knows what the Tang Dynasty is capable of. It is no match for others at sea, and it is also no match for others on land. If they blindly follow the emperor to fight against the Tang Dynasty, then how can they be so powerful? It is better to wait at home and become a slave to the landlords of the Tang Dynasty. Everyone knows that it is better to die than to live.

Princess Mikiko was also standing next to the emperor. When she saw this scene in front of her, she didn’t know what to say. Before, she had thought about resisting the Tang Dynasty to the end, but now she understood how terrifying the Tang Dynasty’s iron-blooded policy was. , if he had resisted to the end with Datang, he would probably be dead by now.

"Brother Emperor..."

A gust of cold wind blew Princess Mikiko and shivered all over. Only then did she realize that the clothes on the emperor were even thinner, but the emperor seemed to have no feeling at all.

"Our capital is over, and so is our country. From now on, we may all be meat on the Tang Dynasty's chopping board."

The Emperor said with some reluctance that although he had already agreed to the armistice terms of the Tang Dynasty earlier, he still had some luck in his heart. After all, this was a whole country. He had also heard the stories of those who suffered hardships and suffered hardships. Maybe ten or twenty years later There is also a chance to counterattack.

What's more, he had also heard about the wars in the Tang Dynasty in the early years. Not every court in the Tang Dynasty existed all the time. Various things would happen every once in a while, mainly in the Tang Dynasty. There is civil unrest, so isn't this their opportunity?

But what he saw now shattered all his illusions. Just two or three thousand people had already suppressed the entire city. It is said that there were many such armies in the Tang Dynasty. Even if something happened inside the Tang Dynasty, If the rebellion breaks out, then the troops stationed here can always suppress them.

"Brother, please cheer up. We haven't reached the last step yet. We actually still have a chance. We still have huge armies in various places. If Datang wants to go deep into the interior, they won't have that much chance. If we If we take this opportunity to leave the capital..."

Princess Mikiko thought of some famous names from various places. If the emperor left the capital and summoned them all, they might not be able to fight.

"Do you think those people are fools? It turns out that when we had an army in our hands, they regarded us as nominal rulers. In fact, within the scope of their various places, everyone is their own master. What do we do now? None of them are gone. If we reach their territory, then you should understand a saying in the Three Kingdoms, which is to hold the emperor hostage to order the princes."

The emperor had already understood all this, so this guy's heart died.

The funny thing is that the princess hasn't seen it clearly yet. After hearing her brother's explanation, the princess also understood what was going on. The local officials from all over the country have long been disobedient. Taking this opportunity They will definitely launch a rebellion. It may not be easy for Datang to pacify the entire Fusang.

The emperor now feels a bit of luck in his heart. He finally doesn't have to face the powerful factions from all over the world. He also wants to see how the Tang Dynasty conquers the powerful factions from all over the country. He can't just pick the weak persimmons, right?

But when he turned his head and saw the Tang Dynasty fleet in the distance, the emperor's luck was gone. The fleet in the distance came from Fukuoka. The war in the capital had subsided, and the Tang Dynasty's support fleet also came. Well, the powerful factions from all over the world dared to be cruel to us, but they probably didn’t have the guts to do this to Datang.

The news about Fuso Capital today will definitely spread, and local officials from all over the country are also aware of what is happening in the capital, and maybe their plans to lower their watches are already on the way.

Thinking of this, the emperor's heart felt like it was being torn apart. Why was he allowed to be born in this era? Why were you born in an era with Li Xiang?

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