The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 11 The most wealthy family during the Zhenguan period

After working for a full two hours, the outsiders in the East Palace finally dispersed. Li Xiang finally felt the feeling of being held in the palm of someone's hand. The two muscles on his face stiffened when he smiled. He had only heard of it before. , today is a real experience.

Li Chengqian didn't feel tired at all. He grew up in this kind of situation when he was a child. However, in recent years, due to the mischief, there are no such scenes in the East Palace. With the help of his son, he can experience the colorful flowers in the past. At the same time, I made a decision in my heart that I must get rid of my bad habits and never hold my son back.

"Xiang'er, have you noticed anything wrong today?"

After arriving in the study, Li Chengqian asked everyone to leave. Li Xiang knew that this father was not the incompetent prince in front of others, and now he probably wanted to give him a few words of advice.

Li Xiang thought carefully about what had happened and went through it again from beginning to end. Li Chengqian did not interrupt. Although he could directly remind Li Xiang, some things were better left to his son to think about by himself.

Suddenly Li Xiang's head lit up, one family didn't come...

Granduncle eldest Sun Wuji...

"Father, no one is coming to my uncle's house?"

After Li Xiang finished speaking, Li Chengqian nodded with great satisfaction. This son was very smart. In just a few breaths, he had already thought of a crucial point.

Li Xiang's happiness was half lost at this moment. To say that the Changsun family was the most powerful family during the Zhenguan period, it can be said that the Changsun family deserved it. Without the support of their family, Li Xiang's foundation would be unstable even if he had all his abilities.

"Your uncle and your grandmother are both the smartest people in the world. In the past few years, your uncle has transferred all the resources of the eldest grandson's family away from me. If it hadn't been for what happened today, it wouldn't have been you." My uncle is your ninth uncle, but I guess it's your ninth uncle, because your second uncle is too arrogant. Although you did something amazing today, in your uncle's heart, it's not enough to put a lot of money on you. "

Li Chengqian let out a long sigh. If he hadn't been fooling around, where would the second and ninth children have any chance? The great situation was handed over to others, and now his son had to face it all alone. Li Chengqian really regretted it.

After hearing this, combined with the history that Li Xiang knew, Jin King Li Zhi was indeed the last to ascend the throne. During this period, Wei King Li Tai and Wu King Li Ge fought wantonly, which finally angered Li Shimin, and one of them died tragically and the other was exiled. Instead, It was cheaper for Jin Wang Li Zhi.

If my guess is correct, most of the resources of the eldest son's family have already gone to Jin Wang Li Zhi. Otherwise, how could he, a little brat, overwhelm his two talented brothers?

Luncheon tomorrow!

There was a golden light in the eyes of both father and son. Tomorrow's luncheon is indeed a key point. Changsun Wuji has invited Li Xiang to go. If Li Xiang performs well, Changsun Wuji may be able to come back and continue to support the East Palace.

But if he performs improperly, Li Xiang's future will be difficult. Without the support of the No. 1 wealthy family, he doesn't know how many more mistakes he will have to make.

"Go back and rest. Be careful at tomorrow's lunch. Unless your uncle asks you, say less and make fewer mistakes. Don't say anything."

Li Chengqian thought over and over again, and could only give his son these few words. Temporary counseling was of no use. What's more, Li Chengqian had ignored government affairs and been imprisoned in the East Palace for all these years, and he really couldn't tell Li Xiang anything useful.

"My son, please retire."

Li Xiang also saw that Li Chengqian could no longer hold up after the hard work of the past few days. He just had to persist in front of his son, otherwise he would have been half-lying down long ago.

As a person a thousand years from now, no matter what Changsun Wuji asks, relying on the knowledge we have, we should not make any big mistakes. Even if we make a mistake, we still have a system that defies heaven and no one can stop it. .

"Your Highness."

Li Xiang came to Hongyuan Hall, which was Li Xiang's future living place and the second largest palace in the East Palace. At this moment, dozens of slaves were kneeling here.

Although Li Chengqian has fallen out of favor over the years, he is still the prince of the Tang Dynasty after all, so the East Palace is fully staffed.

As the eldest grandson of the emperor, Li Xiang had two stewards, twenty guards, twenty attendants, twenty eunuchs, four personal maids, eight little maids, twelve maids, and twenty women and servants. , a total of more than a hundred people knelt down in a large area.

After all, he is the eldest grandson of the emperor of the feudal dynasty. Just serving himself is already more than a hundred people, and it can also increase with age. This is what the time traveler should enjoy.

"Everyone, get up! Just do your business."

Li Xiang didn't know whether these people were humans or ghosts, so he could only use them first.

Although most of the Crown Princess's people have been kicked out, there must be other people in the East Palace. Li Xiang will just observe slowly for the time being.

"Twenty of you are staying."

When he walked to the steps in front of the hall, Li Xiang left these twenty guards behind. Others can use them first, but not these guards. You have to try your skills first.

"Listen to His Highness's instructions."

Twenty people knelt down in unison, wearing silver armor. They looked decent, but it was hard to say whether they were capable or not. It was related to his own safety, and Li Xiang had to test it himself.

Li Shimin started his career in martial arts, so every prince's courtyard would have some stone locks, stone hammers and the like for strength training, and this courtyard was no exception. Li Xiang didn't know what to test, but strength and speed would never be outdated.

Two stone locks weigh one hundred kilograms.

"Starting from you, take these two stone locks and walk around the yard. If you are walking down, stand on the left. If you can't walk down, stand on the right."

After Li Xiang finished speaking, many people looked embarrassed. They just looked okay, but their real abilities were...

"Your Highness, although we hold positions in the East Palace, we are all Beiya Imperial Guards..."

"Stand to the right."

A small leader wanted to remind Li Xiang that you have no right to decide whether we stay or go, but before he finished speaking, Li Xiang immediately asked this guy to stand on the right, and the rest of the people understood what was going on. Wang De, the chief eunuch, was beaten in the main hall. If you say this now, aren't you looking for trouble for yourself?

"It seems like everyone wants to leave the East Palace?"

Li Xiang glanced at the others. A strong man reacted quickly and immediately ran to Shisuo. His Royal Highness's patience was limited. In addition, the Holy Family was in full swing now. If you don't run faster, it will be a long time before you are transferred from the East Palace. question……

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