Chang'an City East Gate

Among the four main city gates in Chang'an, the west gate and the south gate usually send things back and forth. There will also be such a convoy at the north gate, but this is the first time I have seen such a large convoy at the east gate. It is said that this All were shipped back from Fuso.

"Our Highness the Great Grandson is really powerful. Now we can attack wherever we want. It is said that Fuso is at sea, but our Highness has captured it."

A middle-aged woman holding her child said that her life has been better recently, and more and more people have come to Chang'an City. Renting out a few rooms at home is enough to allow her to hold her child every day without having to work, and she can live a good life. Not bad.

"Didn't you say that the people in Fuso treat us very well? There are so many surrounding vassal states that used to come here every year to control them. It seems that Fuso comes the most diligently. There is no need to beat them up like this, right?"

The other woman's life is not good. She has to take care of the work at hand and chat at the same time. Who told us that we don't have so many houses and can't rent them out to make money.

"Those are all superficial phenomena. I heard that in Dongyi Fusang Kingdom, there is not enough food every year, so they start to rob the coast of our country in a small way. However, not many people come every time, and the local officials put this The matter has been covered up, but our Highness the Grand Sun clearly understood everything and led the army to defeat him in one fell swoop. From now on, it will be like Goguryeo, and I guess a new land policy will be issued soon."

Hearing what a scholar-looking man said, the people around him immediately became interested. When Goguryeo divided its land, many people felt that the place was harsh and cold, and no one was willing to leave their hometown, so everyone suffered a heavy loss. .

Nowadays, if this kind of land distribution policy continues, no matter what, you have to go over and mix it up. Look at those people who came back from Goguryeo. Each of them has hundreds of acres of land, and the court also gave you a lot of Goguryeo. Slaves only need to watch them work happily every day, and they will be able to harvest a lot of grain at the end of the year.

Although the price of food has dropped, these people do not earn as much, but they themselves are proletarians in the Tang Dynasty, and now they have become property owners. If they cannot live a prosperous life, can't they still take care of food and housing? ?

"This may not work. Fusang is different from Goguryeo. Goguryeo has a large area of ​​land suitable for farming. Fusang has very little land suitable for farming. They can't even feed their own people, so don't think about dividing the land. ."

An old man smoked a dry pipe and said that he had a relative in the yamen, so the news was relatively reliable. After hearing his words, the calculations of the people around him were shattered in an instant.

"This is really a person's fate. It is destined by God. When Goguryeo recruited people, I was among the first batch to sign up, but my father refused to let me go. Now I can only work as a waiter in Chang'an City. I gave my place to my cousin. My cousin now owns 600 acres of land, and his life is..."

The others were speechless when they heard this. They thought they had found a point where they could improve their lives, but they didn't expect Fuso to be so useless. He didn't even have much land.

"Mother Wang, your opportunity has come. Although Fusang has no land, it has a large population, especially this Dongyang woman, who has also appeared in our Chang'an city. If the court releases people as before, then you can buy more Come here, you will be the first to get the brothel in Chang'an City."

There were people doing everything in this crowd. After hearing this, several scholars walked away. They were unwilling to have anything to do with such an old bustard. But when it got dark, these scholars were from the brothel. Regular customer.

"Is this really the case? If this is really the case, I need you, Father Zhao, to help me and listen to some news in the Yamen. I will never lose anything to you."

With the continuous development of Datang's economy, the entertainment industry has also begun to surge. If there is no new stuff, it may not be possible to gain a foothold in this industry.

The old and young men of the Tang Dynasty are now rich, and the previous business method is no longer feasible. So after hearing the news, Mrs. Wang was really prepared to borrow a large sum of money from Zhi Da Bao and buy a few more Japanese goods. Mother-in-law.

"It's easy to talk about."

Father Zhao said cheerfully, even though he did not have any serious business, but because he was well-informed, he was very respectable in Chang'an City. No matter where he went to eat and have fun, he would get a discount even if it was not free of charge.

Listening to the interests of the people around him, King Wu Li Ke was sitting in the sedan chair. He really had mixed feelings at this moment. Although he also led the team back, almost all the people understood that this matter had nothing to do with them. Fuso's victory was all Li Xiang’s reasons.

After two days of going through the formalities in the court, Wu King Li Ke will become Shu King Li Ke.

Li Ke also felt bad. Sichuan was developed by Li Xiang, and he used to be a peach picker. It seems that he will never be able to escape Li Xiang's shadow in this life.

The conversation on both sides became quieter and quieter. The team had passed through the area where people gathered, and was now close to the imperial city. Except for dignitaries, no other people gathered around.

"The Emperor has a decree. His Royal Highness, King of Shu, is in the Qinzheng Palace."

When he heard this title, Li Ke was still a little uncomfortable. After all, from King Wu to King Shu, this sounded like a downgrade.

However, it is impossible for the emperor to enfeoff it to the land south of the Yangtze River, which is very important to the entire Tang Dynasty. If it were to be enfeoffed there, it would be equivalent to planting a thunderbolt for the entire Tang Dynasty in the future.

So we can only go to Sichuan. Although it is still fertile, it is far behind compared with Jiangnan. Moreover, it is Li Xiang's base camp. The King of Shu, Li Ke, will never cause any trouble after arriving there.

Li Ke, the king of Shu, had already felt that the emperor's mentality had changed. He used to cause trouble for Li Xiang, but now he has begun to pave the way for Li Xiang, perhaps because of Fuso's victory.

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince..."

Li Chengqian was already standing at the entrance of the palace, and other princes and nobles were also waiting here. Li Ke, the king of Shu, went over to see them one by one.

Everyone was praising Fuso's victory. This time they brought back so much gold, which was unprecedented in previous wars. However, King Li Ke of Shu heard it very harshly in his ears. It was like a slap in the face to himself. The coach has nothing to do with victory...

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