The sunrise on the seaside is very beautiful. This is the first time for Princess Yongping to see this scene. The people at the inn reminded her of this. If they didn't remind her, how would Princess Yongping know that there would be such a beautiful scenery here?

Not only did Princess Yongping marvel at the beauty of nature, but none of them, including the entourage she carried with her, had ever seen such a beautiful scenery. Even the sea existed in their imaginations.

When the sun fully rose, a dozen transport ships appeared in the distance. After taking Fuso, these transport ships worked almost day and night, transporting some of Fuso's supplies to Datang every day.

Princess Yongping secretly calculated that although Datang had been planning to capture Fusang for a long time, with these gains now, it not only recovered the original capital, but also made a huge profit. No wonder Datang will become stronger and stronger.

Princess Yongping once heard Li Xiang say before that continuous foreign wars will bring down a country, but if the losses in foreign wars are not large, and at the same time they can replenish themselves during the foreign wars, then this will form a benign cycle.

The current Tang Dynasty has formed this virtuous cycle, but it only caused suffering to the surrounding countries. Princess Yongping thought of her own Nanzhao Kingdom from these ships, and eventually she lost her joy. Nanzhao Kingdom and Fusang were in It's the same on some levels, except that Nanzhao just got an advantage, and they didn't have much difference with Datang.

"Your Highness, the ship is ready. You can ask your servants to load things on the ship. After you have breakfast, we can board the ship."

It was almost the same time as originally calculated. Princess Yongping asked her men to start loading things up. There were a lot of things to bring for such a long trip to Fuso.

Princess Yongping had no impression of the ships of the Tang Dynasty, but someone in the team knew that these ships were not only large in size, but also had some new changes in the position and angle of the sails, which allowed these ships to sail on the sea. It is more stable and sails faster.

People who have never sailed on the sea naturally don't know how painful the previous voyage was, which can almost be said to be a narrow escape. However, people who have experienced ship reform do not believe it all, but they have gone back and forth to Fuso more times. , they believed that all this was true, and were very grateful to Li Xiang for his improvements.

After arriving on the ship, Princess Yongping also had her own independent bedroom, which was not too small. This is the current era. If it were before, there would not be such a luxurious ship.

"What are those people doing?"

Princess Yongping saw a lot of people queuing up next to her.

"Back to Your Highness, we have a total of six ships traveling together this time. If something happens in the middle, we can still take care of each other. Those people are preparing to go to Fuso to pan for gold."

The maid assigned to the boat took a look outside.

"Gold mining?"

Princess Yongping obviously didn't understand the meaning of this sentence. Does Fusang have a lot of gold?

"Ah...that's it. Fusang has just been occupied by us, and there are still many opportunities in various places. In the past, when our Tang army occupied other places, there would always be some opportunities. As long as we can seize them, then Being able to change oneself, or even the fate of the entire family, is like digging into a mountain of gold, so they all go to dig for gold, but they have to pay their own fare."

Hearing the explanation of the maid on the ship, Princess Yongping felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed that a lot of people went to Nanzhao some time ago, but it was easier to go there and they didn't need to wander on the sea. People who went there in the past few days were still there. Quite a few.

The maid also seemed to know that what she said was wrong, and immediately went out to do other things, so as not to make the princess unhappy. This was someone whom the grandson had taken care of.

In fact, in the eyes of many Tang people, even if you are a prince or princess from a small country, you cannot be superior to others. If His Highness Taisun hadn't taken care of you, how could we be so polite to you?

It is obvious to pay money by boat, but it is the first time for Princess Yongping to go overseas by boat. Seeing these people handing over money happily, maybe Fusang is really important to these people. It is the beginning of a dream, so why not for me?

After about two hours of preparation, the boat was already crowded. The lowest cabin was where the people who paid the money just lived. It was said that several people lived in one room, and they had to help with some chores after they got on the boat. Things only work, if you are not willing to do it, then you have no chance to get on the ship.

Compared with these people who were washing, Princess Yongping felt that she was lucky. Not only could she not feel the shaking of the ship's hull, but her three meals a day were very delicious.

After rocking on the sea for a few days, the people at the lower level almost vomited, but the people at the upper level felt a little bit better. This is the benefit of power.

When Princess Yongping also felt uncomfortable, they could already see the continent in the distance.

"Your Highness, please prepare, we will be disembarking in about an hour."

In total, she has been separated from her sister for a long time. She heard that she would see her sister soon, and she had other thoughts about her brother-in-law, so Princess Yongping quickly found her clothes and looked in the mirror. It took me a long time to prepare.

Mirrors are considered a luxury item in Chang'an City now. If it weren't for my relationship with Li Xiang, it would be impossible to use such a thing. Even the princess in the palace can't say that everyone has one. , who asked Li Xiang to control this thing very well, and the current price is still very high.

The people on the lower level were no longer staying in their cabins. They had almost vomited all their bile in the past few days. Now that they could see the mainland in the distance, these people ran to the deck and cheered that it was finally here. .

Several small boats came from a distance. Judging from the clothes they were wearing, they should be soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. These people had to board the boats in advance for inspection.

Although the route is open, all people boarding the ship must have a license from the local government.

This is also to prevent some criminals from getting on the ship and then coming to Fusang to do evil. The two lists are separate. After the official documents are issued by the government, they are sent to the higher-level government first, and then after they are reunited, they are sent to Fusang and then to Fusang. of people carry a copy of...

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