"your Highness……"

Just as Princess Yongping was watching all this with interest, a man wearing eunuch clothes came next to her. Princess Yongping had an impression that he seemed to be serving her sister.

This person first told his identity, and he was indeed the eunuch working beside his sister. It turned out that Li Xiang and Yong Ning had already set off for the capital of Fuso. After all, everything had been resolved, and there was no need for Li Xiang to stay in Nagasaki. Small place.

Princess Yongping didn't know the situation here at all when she was in China. Although there were various ways to contact her, there would still be some lag. Now Princess Yongping has two choices, either to stay here and wait. Or arrange a boat to go to the capital of Fuso tomorrow.

After hearing this, Princess Yongping understood why her sister was not waiting at the pier, and she felt a little more comfortable. She came here to join her sister. If the relationship between the two sisters faded, Princess Yongping Why travel thousands of miles to come to Fusang?

"Then my father-in-law can arrange a boat for me to go to the capital of Fuso tomorrow. I don't have any other relatives here. Although the scene here is very novel, I still want to see my sister as soon as possible."

Princess Yongping didn't even think about it. No matter how novel the things here were, they were of little use to her. Everything was just flowers in the water and the moon in the mirror. The most important thing was to hurry to her sister's side.

"Princess, please temporarily arrange it in the hospital first. There will be a boat to the capital of Fuso tomorrow morning. I will go down and arrange it now."

Just getting off the boat and having to get on the boat again is really hard for a person's body to adapt to. However, Princess Yongping wanted to go to Li Xiang's side quickly, so it didn't matter. Although some of her subordinates wanted to They rest here for two days, but seeing Her Highness the Princess's arrangement, they can only continue to keep up. After all, for them, in such a strange environment, they must follow their master well.

And from the time they got off the ship until now, they always felt that Nagasaki Port was not very safe. The Fuso people still had some hatred in their eyes. If they didn't follow their masters properly, they might be harmed by them if they were alone here.

When they walked out of the port, they saw many dead bodies hanging on both sides. These were the people who had recently rebelled against the Tang Dynasty.

The Tang Dynasty emphasized benevolence and righteousness at home, and punishment abroad. If there is something wrong, then this is the example for you people. They followed Princess Yongping from Nanzhao to Chang'an, and what they saw along the way was the Tang Dynasty. friendly, but in Nagasaki Port, they saw a different Tang Dynasty.

For some people present, they could not accept the situation here, but Princess Yongping could accept it. If you want to gain a foothold in a foreign country, it is useless to follow a gentle policy. You must use Chongdian. .

"Your Highness, please rest assured that our post house is built around the military camp. Even if those people want to cause trouble, they would not dare to cause trouble in the post house."

The little eunuch who came to greet her seemed to see Princess Yongping's worry, so she quickly explained that the corpses around the port were specially arranged. This also reminded those coming from the Tang Dynasty not to think that this is a golden mountain. It makes you rich, but it also represents danger, so everyone should be more vigilant.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Li Xiang does not want to make it so bloody. The main reason is that the casualties of the people from the Tang Dynasty during this period were too great. Since the capture of Nagasaki and Fukuoka, there have been more than 1,900 people. The common people came here.

These people all had dreams of getting rich and changing everything about themselves and their families. However, in just one month, more than 70 people lost their lives and more than 30 others were injured.

This is enough to show that the local environment is extremely unsafe, so these people must be more vigilant. However, the court has said it countless times, but some people still don't pay attention, so Li Xiang could only hang up these corpses. Let the air here be filled with the smell of blood to remind people from the Tang Dynasty not to let down their guard.

There are also various slogans on both sides of the road, and there are various temporary military camps on the road. All of these are to protect Datang's interests here. In addition to the Datang army, there are also some Fuso troops protecting this area. Of course, it will take time to verify whether these Fuso troops are really sleeping or are pretending to be sleeping.

The environment of the inn is pretty good. It used to be the home of a big businessman in Fuso, but it has now been requisitioned by the Tang Dynasty. It is said that the entire family died during the first turmoil. They were the first group to support the pirates. Therefore, they were also the first batch of people to be executed by the Tang Dynasty.

Princess Yongping also understood that harvest and danger are directly proportional. Although those who got off the ship to pan for gold could make money in a short period of time that was not available in the Tang Dynasty, their lives were always in danger.

"You should also pay attention. In addition to the guards assigned to us, there will also be people on duty tonight."

Princess Yongping found a dozen of her male servants, all of whom were strong and strong, and escorted Princess Yongping from Nanzhao to Chang'an, and then from Chang'an to Fusang.

"Princess, please rest assured. We are all capable people. We just asked their guards for a few weapons. If someone really comes to cause trouble, we will not let them take advantage of it."

These people are holding new steel knives in their hands. These are all standard weapons in the Tang Dynasty army. They are much sharper than the swords and guns outside. If they were not in Fusang, ordinary people would not be able to get them. But after arriving in Fusang, It can almost be said that everyone has one hand.

Of course, when this weapon is issued to you, you must pay an expensive insurance premium. The term insurance premium was also invented by Li Xiangxin, in order to make everyone pay attention to this weapon. If your weapon is used by Fuso If people get it, their collective fighting power will gradually strengthen, and in the end they may be able to drive us out of this land.

After paying a heavy insurance premium, it is also a reminder to everyone present that there is a large amount of money tied up with the imperial court for this knife. If you don't get the knife back by then, the money may not be yours. Yours, this is also a disguised reminder of the importance of weapons.

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