Somewhere in Fusang.

Yasukawa Fukuda rides on a dwarf mule horse.

This guy can be regarded as a prominent figure in Fuso, but unfortunately none of the horses raised by Fuso are tall and powerful, so the commander-in-chief, including him, can only ride such a horse.

Several envoys to the Tang Dynasty had previously brought back some tall and mighty horses from the Tang Dynasty, but unfortunately they encountered a typhoon on the way back, and they sank to the bottom of the sea along with the horses.

I don’t know what’s going on. If a few people come back alone, then although the journey will not be smooth, at least there won’t be too much trouble. But if you bring some horses from the Tang Dynasty or other Dude, then there must be something wrong with this ship.

At that time, many senior people in Fuso were superstitious. They said that the gods were protecting the Tang Dynasty. No matter what the situation was now, they mainly wanted to bring back things from the Tang Dynasty, so the gods would never allow this ship to arrive in Fuso. , so from then on all the things brought back on the ship were not unusual, basically they were all owned by Fuso.

Everything else about the Tang Dynasty depends on those people's descriptions. Some people's descriptions are quite satisfactory and not exaggerated, but some people dare to say anything just to let others know that they worked harder in the Tang Dynasty than other envoys. .

Futian Yasukawa is the patriarch of the Futian family of this generation. In the past, he had no extra thoughts, but this time the Tang Dynasty's army captured the capital, which made him and other members of the big family have some different thoughts. They never thought about defeating the Tang army. They only thought about dividing and conquering the Tang army.

According to their plan, they should first concentrate their superior forces and then let the Tang Dynasty see their strength. Only in this way can the Tang Dynasty postpone the attack. At that time, they can start negotiations with the Tang Dynasty. They will not care about the area ruled by the Emperor. , and will not care about the area currently occupied by Datang.

These places can no longer be saved, and they also know how strong they are. If they want to save these places, then a war is inevitable. But the problem is that their own family knows their own situation. If they go into war If so, there will be no other outcome except death.

So they thought of bluffing, putting on a show in front of Datang, letting Datang see the great unity of the Fuso families, and then succumbing to such military power and giving them a high degree of autonomy.

As for the previous agreement signed by the emperor, it can be carried out within the area ruled by the emperor, including the Tang army's capture of Fukuoka and Nagasaki. This is no problem, and they will not interfere too much, but this This agreement cannot involve their territory. They can give a portion of the tribute to Datang every year, but the amount must be determined by them and cannot be carried out in accordance with the agreement.

Fukuda Yasukawa is the leader of these families, and he also organized this incident, although doing so will be regarded as a thorn in the side of the Tang Dynasty, and he may be removed soon.

But then again, if the organization succeeds, then he may become another national leader of Fuso. The emperor's current status has plummeted, unless the emperor can defeat the Tang army, otherwise No one would listen to him, including those who were most loyal to the royal family.

"Futian-kun, we are about to arrive in the capital, but the Daheyuan family hasn't arrived yet. Have they violated what we discussed?"

The person who spoke was Ito Taro, who was also the patriarch of a large Fuso family and was second only to Fukuda Yasukawa in power. Although the two had their own evil intentions, their interests in this matter were surprisingly consistent.

Speaking of which, Taro Ito brought up this matter. If they don't join forces, then 80% of the wealth will be given to Datang every year. In the future, they will become weaker and weaker. Now, while they can still gather together When these soldiers come, they must do something serious to let Datang know that they are not just random people.

"That guy has always been short-sighted. If I'm not wrong, he should be ready to sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers, and only come out when there is a result. If there is no result, he will keep walking on the road until he reaches us and Datang decides the winner."

Fukuda Yasukawa thought of that wretched guy. Everyone in Daheyuan's family was like this. He really didn't know how they accumulated the fluid accumulation they had now. Everyone was the most disgusted with this kind of wallflower, so in the end, he didn't care. No matter who wins, the ending of the loser will not be too good. You think of taking advantage of both sides, but in fact you are offending both sides.

"Fukuda-kun is right. This guy always does things this way, but without his eight thousand troops, we won't be able to gather 70,000."

Taro Ito said with some worry, this time it was the three of them who united with more than a dozen small princes, and they were able to gather 70,000 people. Even so, more than 20,000 of them came to make up the number. Look at the way they walked. Just know that there is no army queue at all.

Of course, Fuso's other armies are not that good either. Half of Fuso's elite troops are in the hands of the emperor, and the remaining half are in the hands of the major families. But Fuso itself is not too big, so the total number of troops in the country is There were only a few hundred thousand people, some of them were annihilated by Li Xiang and others, and some were later incorporated by Li Xiang and others, so they had to find ordinary people to make up the number, otherwise these 70,000 people would really not be enough.

The people of Fusang lived a life of one meal without another. Suddenly someone was able to provide them with three meals. They just had to put on the leather armor from the army and then take a walk around the capital. I have enough food for half a month.

Many people can't even solve their own food problem, so they haven't heard of any changes in the capital, and they can also go to the capital with a large group of people for a walk. Isn't this a good thing? As for the dangers involved, these people have nothing to consider. They can’t even eat. Do you still consider that? If I hadn't come, I might have been frozen solid on a cold night.

"Let our queue be looser, and then we will capture a group of people after we arrive in the capital."

Fukuda Yasukawa looked at the team behind him and saw that it was indeed loose and scattered. When he arrived around the capital and grabbed a group of people to fill them in, it would look like an army of 70,000 people.

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