The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1321 Sending troops in a large proportion

"The end will be here."

Hearing Li Chengyi's shout, a guy yelled out unnaturally, and quickly ran in front of Li Chengyi. Now the entire city is under Li Chengyi's control, and he is like the local emperor here.

"Listen carefully. The Tang Dynasty court ordered that your city must send 3,000 troops to follow our army to the Western Regions. They must bring their own dry food. In addition, they must organize a supply team of 1,500 people to regularly transport to the front line. Supplies, if you can’t do it, then your people will starve on the front lines.”

After listening to Li Chengyi's words, the people present were dumbfounded. Their city has a total of less than 30,000 people, and now they have to send 1/10 of the troops, and there is also a transportation team. If this is the case, it will be equal to all the people in the city. of grown men served in the war effort.

"General Shangguo, we really don't have such capabilities. During the last war in the Western Region, we already lost 2,000 young men. Now look at our city..."

When this guy wanted to continue talking, Li Chengyi had already put his hand on the hilt of the knife, so this guy didn't dare to say anything else. If he angered the general of Shangguo, he might not have much to gain.

"What's going on? Some of you know better than me. Why do other cities send only half as many troops as you? Not even 1/3 of yours. That's because they usually stick to their duties. You What exactly has been done in this city, that is for you people inside to know, and I also want to tell you, if this time tomorrow, I will not see the army going out to massacre the city."

Li Chengyi put his hand on the handle of the knife. If anyone dares to resist, then don't blame us for being rude to you. Your country has betrayed the Tang Dynasty long ago. Now you people are just cannon fodder on the battlefield. Then let the Arab Empire Please remove these branches and leaves for the Tang Dynasty.

Li Xiang's order is much more cruel than this. The reason for doing this is to let the countries in the Western Regions see it clearly. If you follow the Tang Dynasty honestly, then your tribe will have no problem. But if you have other ideas in your heart, then Don't blame us for being cruel to you.

Although many people in the city have other ideas, if they follow Datang's orders, almost all the young adults in our city will be involved, so some people are preparing to escape at night.

As a result, I was captured by the Tang Dynasty's army before I ran out for a few miles at night. The rules had been set earlier. If you people don't abide by the rules, you can't blame others, so when you people are arrested When you live there, not only you will be dragged to death with war horses, but no one in your family, including your family members, will be able to survive.

If such strict governance measures were not carried out in the Western Regions, then when the tentacles of the Arab Empire reached out again, these people would help the tiger and become the lackeys of the Arab Empire. They would become the pawns of the attack on the Tang Dynasty. When we regret it, we might as well send these rebels to the battlefield now and let them play their last role for the Tang Dynasty.

At noon on the second day, the soldiers in the city were organized. A total of 3,000 soldiers were gathered in the entire city, including a group of people over 40 years old. But it doesn't matter. If you are exterminated, you will be blamed. That dead king of yours.

Many people said that the common people were innocent and that all they had to do was deal with the king. However, Li Xiang and many officials of the Tang Dynasty did not think so. Did the king hide this from all the common people? That means these common people were also informed. Since they felt that the king did the right thing at the time, you should also pay the price.

Everyone has to pay for their own wrongdoings, instead of crying a lot and hoping others will forget about it. There are no such good things in the world, so now is the time for you to atone for your sins. .

All the people stood on the adobe outside the city, watching the men in their families leave with misty eyes. Now they hated two groups of people in their hearts. One group was the previous king, and the other group was naturally the Tang army.

Of course, there are still some people who hate the Arab Empire. If you had not sent envoys, how could we have become like this?

Before leaving, Li Chengyi looked back. In three or two years at most, this city may disappear into the sand. A city without men cannot survive. When these 3,000 people die on the battlefield, , you women and children will definitely move to other places, and no one will remember this city.

During this internal cleaning, about seven or eight cities were going to disappear in this way. The remaining people were able to hold on in the past two years, but when they heard that all their men had died, they They cannot live in such a harsh environment, so they can only choose to move to other cities.

Li Xiang's strategy is very simple. Since you choose to cooperate with the Arab Empire, you are no longer my subjects of the Tang Dynasty, and there is no need to let you survive.

In Li Xiang's impression, there are only two choices, either you fight for me, or you fight with me. When you negotiate with the special envoys of the Arab Empire, you may become our enemy, although you have not left that place now. One step, but we can't wait any longer, so just treat you as the enemy.

Countries in the Western Regions were not without resistance. Li Chengyi encountered resistance at his next stop. More than 2,000 cavalrymen fought with the Tang army. As a result, the war only lasted for less than an hour, and all the more than 2,000 cavalrymen became enemies. Cheng Dao is a ghost.

Every time Li Chengyi visits a city, he must of course investigate the place. How could he be unprepared? On the surface, it seems that his troops are not even in battle formation. If your people dare to rebel, our serial slaves here will shoot your first echelon in less than two breaths.

The training and weapons and equipment between the two sides are far apart. The most important thing is that Li Chengyi's soldiers are all veterans on the battlefield. I don't know how many bloodsheds they have seen. The countries in the Western Region have not fought for several years. Many soldiers have We are unfamiliar. If both sides stand together, wouldn't it be easy to judge who loses and who wins? (End of chapter)

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