The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1336 Cheng Chuliang’s opportunity

"Immediately send my order. We must not embarrass these people who have escaped from Shule in the Western Regions. We must provide them with a certain amount of food and a place to live. In addition, we must take them to more countries."

Cheng Chuliang immediately felt that this was definitely an opportunity. If we keep telling the truth, I'm afraid no one will believe it. But these people are from the thirty-sixth country of your Western Regions. You can tell whether these people are telling the truth. What's more, it is no longer a secret that King Shule left with his people. Many people in the Western Regions know it.

"This is a good idea. Recently, many people have this idea. They think that under the rule of our Tang Dynasty, these people's lives are not good. If they can go to the Arab Empire, they may be able to change it. Their living conditions, if they knew that this was a changed living condition, I really want to see the expression on their faces."

Li Chengyi was also a little scared. Of course, this was not the fear of war, but the fear of the Arab Empire's methods. You really don't distinguish between right and wrong. You want to rob anyone. You can only see the money in front of you. With no long-term plan in sight, how could such an empire expand so quickly?

In fact, the Arab Empire has been fighting wars and expanding very quickly, but they did not persist for that long and would soon be replaced by others. This is also the most helpless part of their system.

It is not impossible to integrate politics and religion, but your belief does not mean you are judged as a heretic. You can only rely on your own group of people. When you were on the original land, your group of people can hold it. Yes, but the land you are expanding is getting bigger and bigger. If you cannot integrate and absorb these people from outside, then you will never be able to control such a huge empire.

In just a few days, this fear spread throughout the Western Regions. Many nobles were still thinking about defecting. They were waiting and watching, wanting to see what would happen to the Shule people.

Now there is no need to wait and see. The entire nation has disappeared. No one, including their king, has a good outcome. These people are a little scared. Fortunately, they did not bring anyone with them. In the past, when King Shule was about to leave, , and also wrote letters to all of us, hoping that we could follow him together.

This is the last step. If we all followed, we would be dead now.

Of course, some people say that this is a lie, and that it was all fabricated by the Tang army to keep us here forever, to be their slaves, and not to allow us to pursue new freedoms.

This kind of statement was indeed tenable at the beginning, but the more than 3,000 people who escaped from Samarkand were not just ordinary people, but also many nobles from Shule Kingdom. Could it be that what they said couldn't be believed anymore? ?

The most important thing is that many of these nobles are against each other. You expect them to speak for the same side. This is simply impossible. Some people still have blood feuds. Everyone in the Western Regions knows that what they say now If everything agrees, can the Tang army do it? Can they change this? I'm afraid this is impossible, this has been their obsession for decades.

So the news gradually became confirmed. Many people had not yet sent people to the Tang army. After getting the news, they immediately implemented the imperial order and brought the army over immediately, so Cheng Chuliang Also slowed down his speed.

There was an ideological revolution within the army. The Shule people who entered the army participated in one speech after another. They had to tell the tragic situation at that time, and they had to describe it in quite detail. Some places could definitely be a little deeper.

Originally, the armies from various countries in the Western Regions joined the Tang army simply to do work but not to contribute. Although they had already arrived, they were not prepared to actually fight. If they were to be used as cannon fodder, these people would just ride around on war horses. Anyway, The territory of the Western Region is very large. Even if you already regard me as a rebel, there is no way to capture me.

Under this situation, Cheng Chuliang really couldn't do anything to them, but after the Shule people who had fled back told them, the armies of various countries in the Western Regions immediately became different.

The rule of the Tang Dynasty was indeed quite overbearing, and it left people like them with little autonomy. They had to pay a batch of gold and silver treasures every year, but at least we could all survive, and with the deepening of trade, our lives would still be better. Able to live better.

The reason why we are hesitating between the Arab Empire and the Tang Empire is that after the Arab Empire comes, our life will be better than now. But they want to rob all kinds of people. If we submit to the past, let alone Life is getting better, and life now is also a luxury.

So at this time, they figured out that maintaining the current status quo of life is the best gift from God to us. Therefore, the kings of various countries sent people to send their own letters, asking these national troops in the Tang Dynasty army to Use all your abilities to cooperate with the Tang army's operations, and be sure to block these people from the Arab Empire to the west of the jungle and not allow them to enter our territory.

Although it was delayed for nearly twenty days, it was worth it for the Tang army. With this group of servants who did not work hard, it would be better to let them all get the autographed letter from their king, and the battlefield would be Know what to do.

Not all the spies of the Arab Empire were killed, and some of them were left in the Western Region. After the various countries got the news, they reported the news back as quickly as possible, hoping that the people above could understand your decision. , it’s so wrong.

After Governor Faisal got the news, he originally wanted to report it to Prince Salaman as quickly as possible, so that he could be prepared. When we meet with the armies of various countries in the Western Region, I am afraid that the pressure we will face will be bigger.

But halfway through, this guy went back again. Think about His Highness the Prince's arrogance. He thinks that every decision he makes is right. If you send such a piece of information to his desk, then the whip will be It's time to have an intimate contact with your body. You are clearly accusing him of making a wrong decision. Do you still want to be reinstated? (End of chapter)

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