If His Highness the Prince turns around now, he may have to chop half of the people present because the expressions on these people's faces are so ugly.

It is a pity that His Highness the Prince did not. Looking back, he only saw the army that was about to win. In his opinion, these hundreds of thousands of troops marching eastward will definitely usher in a more glorious tomorrow for the Arab Empire. As for his two royal brothers, You will never be able to match him in terms of merit.

Wherever those two guys occupied, it was just the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Although there were countless city-states there, compared with the Tang Dynasty, those places were simply in ruins. The Western Regions were only owned by the Tang Dynasty. On the edge, so much money can already be collected. If Chang'an can be captured, I am afraid that the treasure house of the capital cannot contain it.

When he thought of this, this guy immediately got on his horse and led his elite cavalry to join the advancing team. He couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to push eastward quickly. If he was lucky, he would be able to advance. Within a few months, we can occupy the thirty-six countries in the Western Region.

By then he will be able to face Gaochang's army. According to the information he received, among the countries in the Western Regions, Gaochang is the most staunch legionnaire of the Tang Dynasty. First, he must defeat the staunchest legionnaire of the Tang Dynasty so that the army of the Tang Dynasty can continue to grow. soldiers.

He didn't want to go to the mainland to fight against the Tang army, because there was no wide area there, so this guy's intention was very obvious, that is, to let the Tang army come to the Western Regions, and rely on his own army to be as fast as the wind, and defeat the Tang army. If you are disabled, you can wait to reap the benefits when you enter the pass again.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this idea, but it may be very difficult to implement it. In the two consecutive contacts, your Arab Empire's army did not gain any benefits. Instead, it was wiped out by the Tang army.

Of course, this was not noticed by His Highness the Prince. He thought it was the Tang Army's opportunism. If the Arab Empire's army was allowed to play to their strengths, then the Tang Empire's army would not have any resistance at all. It was all theirs. A ghost under the sword.

"Your Majesty the Governor, why don't you give me some advice? Hundreds of thousands of troops set off without receiving any information. Our rear is very empty. If we are defeated, will this large area of ​​land be lost?" Will they all be handed over to the Tang Dynasty?"

Seeing His Royal Highness the Prince walking away, these officials got a chance to speak. Their persuasion was ineffective. The biggest official was Governor Faisal, but from the beginning to now, Governor Faisal has said nothing. He didn't say anything, he just said that he could take care of the logistics.

"My lords, don't worry so much. From the day the prince comes, we must follow the steps of the prince and not talk about these things behind his back. If those soldiers hear it, this will If it affects the morale of the entire army, go back and do your job well. This is to serve His Highness the Prince. We will definitely be able to defeat the Tang army. Don't think about those messy things, let alone affect the morale of the army."

Governor Faisal's words were so accurate that the people around him couldn't believe their ears. Of course Governor Faisal was talented. If he didn't have talent, how could he be allowed to be the governor?

Moreover, during his years as governor, the power of the Arab Empire expanded locally. If he had no talent, how would this expansion happen?

Now that the imperial army has set off, he actually said such a thing. Can anyone believe it?

Some people wanted to continue to say a few words, but His Excellency the Governor did not give them a chance and got on his carriage directly. He also wanted to follow the army. Although he was providing logistics for the army, he could not escape the jurisdiction of the army. .

After getting in the car, His Excellency the Governor showed a sneer. You guys didn't dare to offend the prince, but you just picked me up. Isn't your head the same as my head? That prince is now in a state of madness. If you say one more word, he may chop you down at any time. Who dares to move forward at this time?

When other people saw this situation, they could only follow the army up and look back at the large area ruled by Anton Governor's Mansion. I hope we can win. If we can't win, then we will be in trouble. Well, this land will have the surname Li in the future.

Chang'an City, General Tiance's Mansion.

Li Xiang also just received the report from the front line. The carrier pigeon was flying very hard, otherwise it would not have been possible to get the news so quickly.

"Your Highness, the Arab Empire's army is nothing. We have won two consecutive victories, and they were both great victories. Our own losses can be said to be minimal."

Niu Jinda also received news from the front line, so this guy didn't pay attention to the people of the Arab Empire at all. Li Xiang didn't know what to say at this time. If he hadn't traveled through time, according to the Tang Empire at that time His ability is at best on par with the people of the Arab Empire.

But now the situation is different. The application of various new weapons, coupled with the early entry into the Western Region, and the invincible will, have allowed us to win one victory after another, but this does not mean It does not mean that the crisis has been resolved. The Arab Empire is still a very powerful enemy, not to mention that it is only a part of them.

"In my opinion, let's cut the battlefield into two battlefields. It's not easy to achieve this result in the south. Your Highness might as well sit in the capital, and I will go to conquer Zhenla on your behalf..."

What Niu Jinda said were all illusory things. Su Dingfang was different from this guy. This guy immediately thought that there was another road on the southern battlefield. In order to meet the Arab Empire, His Highness ordered a truce on the southern battlefield, but we have a huge advantage. If a general can be sent there, he can definitely defeat this country.

"Your Highness, actually I can also..."

Niu Jinda realized later. After listening to Su Dingfang's words, he realized that he was slow, but Li Xiang didn't let them continue. According to you two warmongers, you can't wait to have wars everywhere.

"The Empire will never allow two large-scale wars to begin without a decisive victory."

Li Xiang's words caused these two people to cease their activities...

Stability is the most important thing now. (End of chapter)

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