"Don't run around and calm yourself down."

Prince Salaman tried to use his majesty to calm down his troops quickly, but many things were not what he thought. In normal times, this guy's roar would be very useful, but now all the people They are all in a state of panic, and it won't be of much use if you yell.

Everyone can see that the current military camp is in chaos. Tens of thousands of troops are like a pile of scattered sand, especially in the area near the middle. No one can run away. They are almost in a mess. When the shells fall, they can take away dozens or even dozens of people, and the number of casualties continues to increase.

When Prince Salaman saw this scene, he was very anxious in his heart. He wanted to kill all these people, but he knew not to mention issuing such an order now. If the chaos intensified, including himself No way to survive.

Fortunately, the more than 10,000 people around him are his cronies, and they have followed him for many years. They have encountered many things. In addition, the shells have not yet entered, so they are all surrounding him.

If even these people are in chaos, Prince Salaman's life will be in danger.

"Your Highness, look."

Just as Prince Salaman was thinking about his strategy, his men pointed to the south and said, where a large number of cavalry appeared. It could be seen from their clothes that these people were Gaochang Qi soldiers and Tang cavalry. They formed An awl-shaped formation.

The Arab cavalry generals who are familiar with cavalry operations certainly understand that this is to penetrate the opponent's military camp. If they succeed in intersecting, the entire military camp will definitely become a mess.

"So I fought my way through it."

Prince Salaman did not dare to be negligent. In this case, he had no other choice. If there was another general who could command his army, then he would not choose to lead the troops himself.

The people under his command did not dissuade him. They are the most familiar with cavalry combat. Of course they know the disadvantages of this kind of charge. If we don't catch up, then now we will be like a watermelon, being charged directly through the center of the circle by the opponent, and then The whole watermelon was scattered, and the only thing left for the enemy was to capture prisoners everywhere.

And we can no longer gather our troops, so now Prince Salaman's choice is the most correct.

More than 10,000 Arab cavalry rushed towards the south. Although there were still many people blocking the way and many artillery shells falling, the fighting will of these more than 10,000 people was extremely strong. When they came from the Arab military camp When he rushed out, Qu Tushou was also shocked. He did not expect that under such a fierce artillery attack, the enemy actually had a cavalry presence.

Wang Qi!

Qu Tushou understood what was going on. It turned out that this was Prince Salaman's personal guard. No wonder they didn't collapse under such circumstances. This shows that they are usually very elite, but I, the Tang Dynasty son, am not afraid of anyone. Don't think you can escape from our grasp.

"Brothers, in front of you is the most elite army of the Arab Empire. You are also the ace army of the Tang Dynasty. Let's show them now who is the most powerful. Follow me and kill."

After Qu Tushou said this, his brothers became proud. Since His Highness has said it, our two countries are currently the most powerful in the world, but civil servants are not the first and military troops are not the second. In today's world, In this case, let's see who is more powerful and whose head is stronger?

The brothers of Tang Dynasty immediately took out their swords, but these people prepared them with both hands. The right hand was naturally used to wield the sword, but it also carried a serial crossbow.

Once the angle is right, we will shoot a crossbow arrow first, and then the enemy in front of us will not have much combat effectiveness. According to their instructor, the serial crossbow is equipped with a total of ten crossbow arrows. As long as you can shoot five people , then there is no suspense in this war.

The Gaochang cavalry ranks behind the Tang cavalry. They are also equipped with serial crossbows, but their training cannot keep up, so they can only be in the second echelon. It does not mean that they are not given the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, but that they are protected. , only after they are well trained can they continue to be on their own.

Prince Salaman was secretly happy when he saw the Tang cavalry rushing towards them. If the Tang army fled in all directions and then continued to attack them with artillery, then they would have nothing to do. But if the war horses were fighting for supremacy. , we Arab cavalry are not afraid of anyone.

The artillery shells falling from the sky are getting denser and denser, and the artillery of the Tang Dynasty must have seen it. This cavalry must carry out the most violent attrition policy against them before the two sides come into contact. One cannon shell may drop two or three. Cavalry, and their fall will also cause more chain effects for the cavalry in the rear.

But at this moment, the Arab cavalry can no longer care about so much. Even if the person in front is his closest brother, he can only control the horse and jump directly over. If you stop to save people at this time, the cavalry behind can kill you. Tread into meat paste.

When the cavalry from both sides came into contact, the Datang artillery team also changed its direction. At this time, it could only rely on the cavalry itself. We had to continue to fire at the military camp in the distance, keeping them in chaos. , cannot get them organized.

As soon as the cavalry from both sides came into contact, looking from a high altitude, the Arab cavalry in white and the armored Tang army were mixed together, but it was obvious that the Tang army was slowly advancing.

"Left wing."

Qu Tushou has been watching the soundings and balloons in the sky. The sounding balloons can analyze the overall situation. Once he sees which side of us is weak, he will immediately notify the leading general.

There were five reserve teams behind Qu Tushou. After she finished speaking, a reserve team of 500 cavalry immediately joined the left wing. However, the sounding balloon in the sky continued to wave the flag in its hand. Qu Tushou Shou knew that this reserve team was not enough, so he immediately sent over a thousand more cavalry, and then the little flag in the sky stopped.

Originally, the Arab cavalry was able to break through from the left wing, but when a new force of 1,500 cavalry joined, the Arab cavalry's only chance was swallowed up. Now they can only wait to be slowly eliminated, and they I can only watch helplessly. (End of chapter)

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