The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1381 Reselling supplies to replenish military expenses

While the two were discussing these major military matters, the merchants from the Western Regions outside were also having a heated argument with the army's quartermaster.

It was all for their own benefit. The merchants hoped to keep prices lower, but the quartermaster hoped that the court's income would be higher. This was also a very normal thing, so Cheng Chuliang did not interfere too much.

These businessmen must be allowed to gain benefits. If there is no benefit, they will not come if similar things happen next time. However, the interests of the court must also be guaranteed. This is a purely commercial behavior, so Cheng Chuliang and the Western Regions The generals have not interfered too much. It will be whatever you hype it to be. Anyway, as long as you are the one quarreling, it means that these things are valuable. As long as these things are valuable, then this transaction can succeed.

For a whole night, although the surrounding area was filled with the smell of cow dung, the spirits of the quartermasters and merchants did not drop at all. Until dawn, many people's faces were still filled with joy!

Basically, everyone was happy. In one night, about 200,000 sheep and 150,000 cattle were almost traded. As for the collected military horses, it was impossible to sell them out. These things also had a certain value for the Tang army. There is a certain demand.

"Looking at the expression on your face, you must have made a lot of money after not sleeping all night, right?"

When Cheng Chuliang came to his big account, Feng Chucai and a group of quartermasters were still here to settle accounts. This matter was mainly left to him, mainly because there were many people in the army who fought in the army, but not many people could settle accounts. , there are not many people who can achieve this level of trading.

If Zhang Jiuli were here, then there would be no need for people like them to join in. But Zhang Jiuli is still settling down various countries in the Western Region, dealing with the kings of those countries and the leaders of the tribes. That is not the case for them. good at.

Xiao Shougui and Zhang Jiuli divided their forces into two groups, which allowed the countries in the Western Region to settle down.

When the Arab Empire and the Tang Dynasty were at war, many of them were still friendly with the Arab Empire, but we don't have the time to deal with them now. We can only settle them down first and wait until the war between us and the Arab Empire is over. After that, you guys will have a way out.

Therefore, the situation that neither of these two people can come to Samar Khan City has to be left to Feng Chucai. This guy is pretty good. Although there is a certain gap between the two people just now, in the process of doing business Among them, it only had one criterion, which was to ensure that the Tang Dynasty had no financial holes.

"The commander-in-chief is right. I almost dried up my throat this night, but the sales were more than we expected. Now we have received a total of 6 million yuan."

The guy said cheerfully. When he heard this signing, Cheng Chuliang's eyes narrowed. According to the original estimate, it was good to have 5 million. Unexpectedly, there was an extra 1 million. Money, this means that this war has paid off.

We still have a lot of things to deal with outside. This has already recovered the capital, and the rest is the harvest of the war. What's more, we only robbed some areas around the city of Samarkand, and then go out. If extended, there are even more benefits!

Therefore, this war is the same as before, there is nothing to lose.

"About those girls?"

Feng Chucai suddenly thought of another thing. Last night, many businessmen from the Western Regions noticed these girls in the military camp. Of course, these people must not be able to fight on the battlefield. They must be the trophies of the Tang Dynasty army. If they were bought back, , that can also be exchanged for a lot of money!

"Don't think too much about those people. These girls can't be sold for much money if sold to them. It's better to transport them to Chang'an City and sell them for big money. Of course, our army can also hold an auction ourselves. , There are many people in the army who don’t have wives, and I think those girls are not very old, and they look good, so if it can solve many major problems for soldiers, that would be a good thing."

Cheng Chuliang is very aware of the stinginess of these merchants in the Western Regions. They can pay a lot of money to buy cattle and sheep, but if they want to buy a woman, they may not be willing to spend money. In the eyes of merchants from various countries in the Western Regions, The price of a woman is not as high as that of a cow.

But if you send it to Chang'an City, it will be different. If you send it to Chang'an City, you can sell it for at least 2 to 3 cows. Of course, you couldn't sell it at this price a few years ago, mainly because everyone is not rich. But now the surrounding areas of Chang'an City are very expensive. If you send someone like this to them, they will definitely be willing to pay the price of three cows.

"The Marshal is right. These businessmen from the Western Regions have never seen money. It's really tiring to bargain with them. If it weren't for the imperial court's financial hole, I wouldn't want to talk to these people for a long time. Just take out the knife."

Feng Chucai's words also made everyone laugh. It was difficult enough for these soldiers to do business, and the price had to be guaranteed, so everyone was unwilling to do it. If it weren't for Feng Chucai, then they would We have to bite the bullet and go up, but I'm afraid I've already taken out the knife.

That's why Feng Chu was able to endure this step, and also allowed us to have 6 million yuan. This is already quite difficult, and in the process of plundering from various tribes, in addition to these cattle, sheep and women, we also The other valuable items, although not the most valuable, can be sold for one to two million dollars.

"Then I will write a memorial to His Highness first. We should be able to hand over 8 million yuan, right?"

Cheng Chuliang still asked. His Highness was under a lot of pressure. Originally, the imperial court had complaints about the Western Regions. If the hole was not sealed quickly, those people might not know how much trouble they would cause. Come.

"Write 8.5 million, and it will start shipping this afternoon."

Feng Chucai thought for a while and said, try to reduce some trouble for His Highness, then we have to pay as much money as possible, so as to save those civil servants from talking nonsense. (End of chapter)

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